Fastest prop driven record attempt - "phenomenon"

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by groper, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    Just wondering if anyone had anymore information on the progress of this machine?

    For those that dont know about it, its a 56ft offshore tunnel hull race boat style machine, powered by 4 turbines totaling 12,000hp via 4 surface drives... estimated speed potential is 280mph... where else but the US of A or course :p

    The head guy and owner of the dream, Al Copeland, unfortunately was lost to cancer but wished the dream fulfilled as his legacy. They are trying to break the current record of 220mph driven by a water propeller, currently held by an unlimited hydroplane i beleive.



  2. Cawley
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    Cawley Junior Member

    They tried to break the record in Sarasota about a year ago. They had some mechanical difficulties during the run and were not able to break the record. I heard they were going to come back and try again. But.............................
  3. Thisiscainyo
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    Thisiscainyo Junior Member

    sweet jesus
  4. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    I like it!
  5. MattNA
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    MattNA New Member

    That boat has been plagued with all kinds of problems from structural design issues, to mechanical issues. IMO Copeland made a mistake going with the design firm that he did, while the Nav Arch did have a degree in aerospace the firm had never designed an offshore racing Cat like this.
  6. dinoa
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  7. jtrauner
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    jtrauner New Member

    Not even close on the 220 mph Groper.
    The record is held by Problem Child blown fuel hydro set on August 14, 2011 Marble Falls, Texas.
    3.39 et at 261 mph.That was a 1000' pass.
    Best pass at 1/4 mile which is the true record was 265.52 MPH. Fastest prop boat ever.
    My brother quit the team after this pass.
    Here is the vid.
    Eddie is an a## but his boats do roll.:cool:
    Team site
  8. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    Nope, different record... This record is average speed over 1 mile (from memory?)
    in both directions.
  9. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    This is the APBA record they're chasing

  10. jtrauner
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    jtrauner New Member

    I guess the qualifier is : The Kilo, twice ,propeller driven.Thats the record.
    Not the fastest prop boat ever.
    No disrespect intended.

  11. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

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