fast 30ft day charter

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Muttley, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Muttley
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    Muttley Junior Member

  2. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    The Kohler boats aren't known for their load carrying ability due to the fine hulls.
    I would give that serious consideration.
  3. Dryfeet
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    Dryfeet Junior Member

    Why 8-10 passengers? Licensing and inspection issues are minimal for up to 6. Big commitments once you go over that. In which case, going for 15-25 passengers is a more profitable model. Even a 6 pak is tough to pencil out what with insurance, crew, etc etc factored in. How long is your season? You almost need to figure this stuff out before choosing a design....
  4. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    The OP is in Brazil where rules are probably different

    My 9m Skua might suit, or the open deck version of Gypsy. And there are many other suitable boats from other designers

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs
  5. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    I briefly ran a McGregor 36 Catamaran as a day charter cat. Old design, available cheap, can dismount and fit in a container for shipping.

    I got two new tramps and built a balsa cored hard deck for the main deck, twin 9.9 Yamahas for power and I was up and running for less than 30,000 USD in the early 90's.

    Boat handled 6 pax easy, would do 10 no problem. We loaded from a beach using an alum ramp we had built.

  6. Ilan Voyager
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    Ilan Voyager Senior Member

    Consult Kurt Hughes. He is a well known for his day charter catamarans which are approved by the USCG, so in Brazil wouldn't be difficult to get the certification and the insurances. The experience I have with third world countries is that if you want to certificate a boat for tourist passengers, it's better to have a boat approved by a first world country, so the local bureaucracy has no means to get picky with the certification. That can be a pain in the *** in Mexico for example, specially when you are a foreigner.
  7. Muttley
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    Muttley Junior Member

    Regarding certifications, I will soon check it better with authorities here. About Kurt Hughes plans, this seems to be very good but I don't know if it will extrapolate too far my budget and abilities to build. I was considering Duo 900 because it is easy to build ,fast, beachable ,unsinkable and no dagger boards( one thing less to worry about, I will sail 50% in small coves/rivers) In study plans the speed prediction for 1600 kg ,850 kg of payload (cwl is 1776 kg) is windsp 22.97 , boatsp 20.45, seems good numbers.
  8. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    You won't get going any cheaper than this, looks good, sails good, solid glass, simple.


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  9. Muttley
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    Muttley Junior Member

    You are saying I need to learn laminating? Here in my country is rare catamarans in the ads, and in good conditions almost impossible. The laws and taxes make the costs prohibitive to import to help the local production .The requirements for the boat are the same for private sport boat.
  10. david@boatsmith
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    david@boatsmith Senior Member

  11. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    As keysdisease said,you would have a hard time building anywhere for what you could get up and running with a Mac 36, i would be suprised if this were not so even with your import duties,taxes and shipping in a container although you may have to cut the mast down a bit as its 44ft long. There have been dozens of these boats carrying up to 16 passengers in north and central america, good boats.

  12. Othmar
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    Othmar Multihulls ...

    Have a look at a Brazil boatbuilder:
    He produces motor catamarans for tourism, and also some sailing catamarans, which may fit to your needs.

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  13. Muttley
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    Muttley Junior Member

    Thanks for all posts. But I am interested in build one, and have the knowledge to repair it in any case.
  14. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

  15. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Ah, protectionism, got it. Ok, the wharram might be a good choice, being very easy to build.

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