FAST 2015 13th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation

Discussion in 'Education' started by CDBarry, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. CDBarry
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    CDBarry Senior Member

    Since 1991 the FAST conference series has been one of the premier meeting events for the advanced marine vehicle community. Planning is now underway for FAST 2015, the 13th conference in the series, and you are invited to save the date and begin thinking about a paper submission.

    FAST 2015 will be held in late September / early October 2015 near Washington DC USA. The event will provide FAST’s usual forum for technical exchange, as well as cultural visits to the USA’s capital city, and possible visits to the United States Naval Academy and the David Taylor Model Basin.

    The technical focus of the conference is, as always, upon the latest developments and areas of interest in fast sea transportation. The key disciplines therefor are:
    •Structural Design
    •Weight reduction
    •Design Process
    •Human System Engineering

    Example paper topics include:
    •Novel hull forms, e.g. geometrically simple forms with unusual properties, or forms which exploit cavitation-enclosed hulls, etc.

    •Incorporation of lessons-learned from other forms of transportation into high-speed sea transportation. Example: The failure of Costa Concordia was a human system failure on the navigating bridge. What measures are taken in the development of high speed vessels to learn from this experience, and prevent a similar even in a 40-knot vessel? What is the state of the art in training and operation of high-speed ships and how does this compare to aircraft?

    •Land transportation is tentatively welcoming autonomy, with the advent of self-driving cars. What is the role of automated systems in high speed marine craft, from fly-by-wire hydrofoil controls, to collision avoidance, to remote operation, to full autonomous operation.

    •Design tools & simulation: Conventional ships can be designed by similitude from prior art, whereas novel craft do not have a long history of prior art and must be designed by physics-based methods from the beginning. What are the newest tools in this field? How do we balance the need for detailed physics-based analysis against the need for quick engineering times in the earliest phases?

    •Economics: The global economy continues to change, and the value of speed swings up and down. What does this mean for the FAST ships? What are current FAST ship owners doing to cope with these swings? How can the economics of speed be folded explicitly into the field of design parameters?

    •Environmental effects: Are high speed ships more harmful to the environment or less? As the Arctic opens to year-round shipping, will this change the balance of interest in unconventional hull forms?

    •Emissions & Machinery systems: FAST type vessels benefit from high power-density machinery with excellent fuel economy. What is the state of the art in such machinery? How can we balance the pressure for weight savings against the environment interest in, say, electric propulsion – typically heavy?

    The above list is not all-inclusive. Prospective authors are encouraged to contact the FAST 2015 Papers Committee Chairman to informally discuss topics. We also welcome a limited number papers that do not reach firm conclusions but are intended to provoke speculation and conversation. Contact:

    Dr. Chris McKesson
    University of British Columbia
    e-mail: chris@mckesson.US

    The format of the conference will be the same as past events: Two or three parallel tracks of technical presentation, with written papers provided in a conference proceedings. Instructions for authors will be developed in coming weeks. A set of financial incentives will be developed to encourage student participation, especially student papers.
  2. CDBarry
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    CDBarry Senior Member

    The dates and venue have been set:

    1-4 Sept. 2015 at the FHI 360 Conference center ( in Washington DC.

    Lets get some abstracts in to Chris McKesson!
  3. CDBarry
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    CDBarry Senior Member

    The date for abstract submission has been extended to 28 February.
  4. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    I couldn't find the registration fees for the conference on the FAST 2015 home page.
    Any ideas on how much it would cost to present a paper at the conference?
  5. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

  6. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Thanks, John, that was the page on which I couldn't find the rego fees.
    I was just wondering if it is still as expensive as it used to be.

    And no, I'm not thinking of a paper for FAST, but I have one in prep with some
    other guys on trans-critical squat that we will submit in a week or two,
  7. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    I just heard from a friend who is directly involved in the organizing of the conference that they've only very recently finally gotten all of costs in hand and agreement on what to charge. Should be announced and posted very soon.

    Hopefully presenters will receive a discount.
  8. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Thanks, Bill.
    Asking for people to submit papers, but only announcing the cost for presenting
    them much later, makes it seem like one of those dodgy journals or
    conferences I get spammed with every week, :)
  9. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    Apparently there was a significant delay in picking the location...followed by even more delay as the costs were hammered out.
  10. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Ironic that it's called "FAST" :p
  11. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    The subject vessels have slowed down a lot in recent years, so....
  12. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    I haven't seen much on SES for a while, apart from Lawry Doctors work with
    the Uni of Michigan crowd (Perlin et al). And some nongs who were looking at
    SeaTrains a while back. :p
    Incat are doing some interesting work on medium-speed catamarans, probably
    because fuel costs and emissions are becoming a great concern.

    I look forward to HullSpeed 2017. :)
  13. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    I have it on good authority that some "nongs" are presenting a paper at FAST on the testing of a low/zero speed active heave stabilization system on an SES wind farm service vessel.

    Better get your tickets soon because that one is guaranteed to sell out.

  14. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Let's hope the said nongs give some principal dimensions and lines drawings
    of their beast so I can use a reasonable facsimile as an example in Flotilla for

  15. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    ha ha ha haaa. Good one!
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