Has Anyone Ever?

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by Hydro Phil, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. Hydro Phil
    Joined: Jan 2010
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    Hydro Phil Hydro Phil

    Seems they drag race these in Thailand & other places in Asia. Anyone ever build one? Have been searching all over the web & just lucky to find a few pic`s. It`s a need for speed type thing, father - son project, all direction appreciated. Thanks, Phil

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  2. Kaluvic
    Joined: Jan 2010
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    Kaluvic New guy

    That is absolutely WILD...Really exotic hull...I love it...thanks Phil
  3. keith66
    Joined: Sep 2007
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    keith66 Senior Member

    Fall out of that & your jacksy will go into the bacon slicer, does look rather cool though!
  4. Hydro Phil
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    Hydro Phil Hydro Phil

    Keith, although not very much room in there, I would definatley have a kill switch in there. Kevlar cut suit prob. wouldnt be a bad idea either, Helmet. Definately not a leisure boat, all out racing, saftey always first, especially the, or my Jacksy! Phil
  5. Zed
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    Zed Senior Member


  6. Hydro Phil
    Joined: Jan 2010
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    Hydro Phil Hydro Phil

    Thanks Zed, seems to be all i`m finding on the net, you tube & a few pics. Have not seen the bottom of these boats, i can tell from the inside that it is a flat bottom, seems a stepped hull in front, just wondering if possibly air entrapment hull for speeds being reached? Thanks Phil
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