False transom

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by billy241072, May 7, 2011.

  1. billy241072
    Joined: May 2010
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    billy241072 Junior Member

    Hi all.My runabout will be used for lake fishing only.Do I need a false transom or scuppers at all for stern waves? My transom height is not that low.
  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    If you are referring to a splash well, then yes it only makes good sense. A lot depends on the specific design, but a stern wave can board through the outboard cutout and quickly render a boat swamped, the engine flooded and the crew wondering if they can swim to shore.
  3. billy241072
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    billy241072 Junior Member

    Is there a standard as to how far the splash well extends into the boat?
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Enough to have room to tilt the outboard.
  5. PAR
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    Yes, there are general guidelines for splash wells. These are based on engine size and configuration.

    There are several dimensional recommendations; well height, transom depth, cutout width, cover height, single or twin installation, engine spacing, transom thickness, etc.

    Not knowing what boat or engine you are mounting, the list would be too extensive to list here. What's the make, model and year of the boat and engine? What type of controls and steering?
  6. copenhagen
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    copenhagen Junior Member

    if you are goung to change it anyway i would propably run a jacking plate with setback and reclaim the well for storage / livewell and flat surface to cast from.... that way you will have a full transom and 10 square feet more boat to fish from

    my 2 cents worth
  7. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    We had a drowning here when a small boat stopped quickly so someone could light a cigarette and the stern wave flopped in and sunk the boat about that quick.
  8. copenhagen
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    copenhagen Junior Member

    samsam ... also a good point, and a reason to do a self bailing sole
  9. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Not all boats are large enough to afford a sole above the LWL. The well area also serves to provide compartments for batteries and fuel tanks, so it's function is more then a wave catcher.
  10. Ike
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  11. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    The outboard engine manufacturers will give it to you as well
  12. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Veryimportant with a splash well is that the inboard is the same height as the side decks and keep the volumn of the well as small as possible so it doesnt hold to much water .The last and most iporant are the drains they need to be big to get rid of that water quickly and fast even ! the quicker the better . My old boat i completely cut the transom off and did a totall redo . Got a 25 inch motor and stepped the motor back 450mm ans was able to get the well reall small in size , because it was small it also gave me added room in the cockpit for fishing out of Fitted hydralic steering and there is only one hole for cables and hoses and its sealed 100% . Because the motor is high the water has never got that far to splash over the top and fill it up . can use it all day and come home completely dry . :D
    The sole drains into the bilge and in there is a really big pump with the outlet pipe pointing straight up so when the pump goes theres a jet of water and you cant miss seeing it . Also helps to keep the underfloor area clean of nasty smells as it get washed when the boat gets washed .
  13. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Again, with the year, make and model of both he engine and boat, I can post the dimension recommendations that will fit under ABYC guidelines.
  14. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    battery in a box mounting ??

    Mounting a battery in a small power boat , where is the best place to put it ?? If in the back under the aft deck should it be on the floor or above? the floor ?or even high up under the aft  deck ??:confused:

  15. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    A battery to start an outboard is 35 pounds (16 kilo) which isn't enough to get excited about, though it should be boxed and mounted low, but not in a sump where it could be flooded by boarding water.
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