International org. looking for:QHSE Project Engineer(work:Netherlands&Australia)

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by samN, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. samN
    Joined: Jul 2010
    Posts: 8
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    Location: Malaysia

    samN Junior Member


    An international and forward looking organisation is looking for a QHSE Project Engineer to work in both the Netherlands and Australia.

    You will be responsible for preparing QHSE procedures regarding a high-value project, ensuring crews are familiarised with the policies and procedures, as well as handling surveys, audits and deal with upcoming incidents.

    The right candidates will have previously sailed up to 2nd officer and preferred candidates will also have been educated to degree level. Candidates will also need to have some knowledge of the offshore oil and gas industry, and associated naval standards and international regulations.

    This is an excellent opportunity with a dynamic company, offering a great salary and 6 on/6 off rotation for the right candidate.


    If you are interested in this position, please send an e-mail to: (I will forward the email to whom concerned and I will send you the contact details of the recruiting agency)

    As ever, we guarantee that your name and CV will never be disclosed to anyone without your express permission. All interest will be treated in strictest of confidence.

    Serious inquiries only.

    Thank you.
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