Extended anchor locker

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by Munson, Mar 23, 2021.

  1. Munson
    Joined: Mar 2021
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    Munson Junior Member

    I would like to extend my anchor locker so I can mount a windlass.The box is at a 110-120 degree pitch.I want to bring the box out just enough so it would be 90 degrees.My question is how many inches away from the perimeter of the extension do I start glassing and how many layers should I put down so the windlass doesn’t rip it out.I was thinking of using coosa board.Thanks

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  2. Munson
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    Munson Junior Member

    The drawing is a little off .The windlass would be on top of the extension and the access panel would be moved to the front of the extension

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  3. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    How about a longer bowsprit that you could mount the winch on it too?
    The hull/deck joint may well be the weak link here, take care to inspect and evaluate that carefully!
    Hopefully the bulkhead shown goes clear to the hull and is firmly glassed in.
  4. Munson
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    Munson Junior Member

    Not extending the structure will reduce my rode locker fall distance since it is so close to the nose or v of the bow for a proper windlass drop.There is a support joist that runs port to starboard underneath the area I want to foot the new extension
  5. Munson
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    Munson Junior Member

    I’m starting to wonder if it would be easier to mock up the box and have an aluminum shop weld one and I could 5200 it to the gel coat and bolt it through the existing fiberglass.and powder coat it to prevent pre mature corrosion

  6. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Or you could bolt an aluminum plate across the deck and mount the windlass on it.
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