export hull ship from FreeShip into OpenFOAM and Salome

Discussion in 'Software' started by najihah, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. najihah
    Joined: Dec 2018
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    najihah New Member

    hye everyone,

    i have done modelling my ship in Freeship. however when i want to export the ship model, it only export half of hull model. i wish to run the model in OpenFOAM and Salome. but it only export half of the ship model.

    Based on experienced , can the FreeShip export the model in full body of the model?

    or anyone can suggest me, how to import the hull ship into openfoam?
  2. Aallokko
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    Aallokko New Member


    I do have the exact same question. The thread is some days old already but may be kicking it up now someone has an idea...
  3. pafurijaz
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    If select show both sides Freeship export full hull in igs

  4. Aallokko
    Joined: Mar 2020
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    Aallokko New Member

    Oh yes. Thank you! :)
    I only tried stl and there it doesn't make any difference if selecting one side or both.
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