Estimating skin friction drag

Discussion in 'Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics' started by Slip, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. Slip
    Joined: Oct 2017
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    Slip New Member

    Hi all,

    Could anyone point me in the right direction how to estimate contribution of skin friction drag on small vessels like surfboards, windsurfing boards, paddleboards.

  2. Slip
    Joined: Oct 2017
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    Slip New Member

    I'm assuming there must be an analytic solution for a planing flat plate out there somewhere!

    I've spent a good amount of time googling but had no luck.
  3. Joakim
    Joined: Apr 2004
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    Joakim Senior Member

    For planing vessels try Savitsky method. It is descriced e.g. here. You can also find online calculators and Excel sheets using it. Some may not allow flat bottom, but you can always use minimal V angle. Note that these assume perfectly smooth surface or add an allowance for marine growth. A rough surface will have considerably more drag.

  4. Erwan
    Joined: Oct 2005
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    Erwan Senior Member

    Would you googleize :
    Flate Plate Skin Friction Coefficient,
    I fell confident you will find interesting workpapers addressing your question.
    Best Regards
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