estimate lightship weight and KG....

Discussion in 'Stability' started by poprocks, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. poprocks
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    poprocks New Member

    hello evrybody....i want your guidance to calculate the lightship weight and center of gravity of a ship(panamax bulker) at launch idea is to get the design lightship weight and subtract the weight of all the items not installed (ANother method i had in mind is to add all the weight data of items at launch condition).....then get data of all items(weight and KG)....and then estimate actual KG at launch....please point any mistakes and/or make suggestions as to what procedure i should follow.....also on the calculation i should make to calculate KG once i have all individual K.G data.....thanks in advance......
  2. DCockey
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    DCockey Participant

    Is this a student project, or do you have responsibility for the calculations for a ship under construction or repair?
  3. poprocks
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    poprocks New Member

    yes i have responsibility for the calculations for a ship under construction....

  4. ontwerp
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    ontwerp Naval Architect

    Principles of Naval Architecture

    Based on how basic your question I have a hard time believing that you are not a student...

    But being a student is not a bad thing, it's just annoying if you are claiming not to be a student and trying to get answers to your assignments.

    Having said that, I might be wrong and you are just trying to get answers to a project problem. :) But the best way to learn is to figure it out for yourself, so why not try Principles of Naval Architecture, Volume I, by SNAME, it (or just about any other textbook related to naval architecture) will answer your questions.
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