Epoxy resin coating and paint on finished epoxy lamination

Discussion in 'Materials' started by fatihDidi40Cr, Jul 29, 2019.

  1. fatihDidi40Cr
    Joined: Jul 2019
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    Location: turkey

    fatihDidi40Cr New Member

    Hello everyone, thank you for accepting the forum. my english is not good so sorry for that for translation.
    I'm doing a 12-meter sail boat restoration.
    I took out all the paste and the paint. I did the boat model dudley dix didi 40 cr.
    Lamination on the boat made 3 layers of 850 g square meter biaxial fiber epoxy.
    I made all fine sanding of the surfaces and filled them with fiber and epoxy.
    here everything is fine, my problem has begun now;
    Do not apply the sealant to the finished epoxy lamination.
    CCan I apply a gel coat by applying epoxy resin on the lamination and pu paint on it?
    What problems can I face, will this process not be disturbed?
    What are your suggestions?
    My country does not have the necessary information and research on these issues.
    Your answers are important to me, thanks.
  2. Blueknarr
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum.

    1st no gelcoat. Applying gelcoat to epoxy is tricky. Not for first-time.

    Epoxy based primer followed by PU top coat, will give many years of service. Follow mixing and recoat times provided by paint manufacturer.

    Turkey is a prime boat building region. There is local know how.
  3. upchurchmr
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    There is a free book online for most all epoxy/ boatwork.
    Written by the owners of West Epoxy.
    This is the most comprehensive publication I know of.
    Good luck with the language problem.

    In general, after laminating with epoxy, you fill with epoxy, sand, then paint with your choice of paint. You can prime before paint, but it is not necessary.
  4. fatihDidi40Cr
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    fatihDidi40Cr New Member

    Thank you for your answers.
    I'll try as you say.
    This works outside brands in Turkey not many people who will be good and right sources.
  5. fatihDidi40Cr
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    fatihDidi40Cr New Member

    upchurchmr ; Thanks for the answers. I think the 462-page documents you gave me about my language problem will make my English even better :):):)

  6. fatihDidi40Cr
    Joined: Jul 2019
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    fatihDidi40Cr New Member

    I will go to the boat and take a picture after work.
    There are a few more things I want to ask.
    thanks all.
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