Epoxy Non Skid Coatings

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Andy Jr, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. Andy Jr
    Joined: Jan 2016
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    Andy Jr Junior Member

    Finally found a heavy duty epoxy non skid that can hold up - gulf coast paint pc-650. Got a sample from a distributor and they said it's for concrete & steel
  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    This isn't anything unusual and I'm fairly sure the Gulf Coast stuff is simply a rebadged product with (I'm assuming) polyurethane particles added. It's possible they're formulating it themselves, though I doubt it. I find it interesting their site has no MDS or other product details, just advertising fluff, which would seem odd to say the least.

    You can apply epoxy like this without purchasing some special mixture and you don't even need the suspended particulates. Below is a deck I textured last winter. There's no particulates, just epoxy. The texture is part of the encapsulation process and because there's no particulates, they can't get knocked out of the coating, from impact or abrasion. The paint (not yet applied in this photo) can be removed and reapplied without removing any of the texture, which is all but impossible with suspended particulate textures.

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  3. Andy Jr
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    Andy Jr Junior Member

    I did some calling around and they are the true manufacturer. I believe it has aluminum oxide and some other aggregate blended it. I liked it b/c it was easy to use and they had a cold weather activator. I call their office and the had me a data sheet and SDS over in a few mins.
  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Post the data sheet, it should be public knowledge and published anyway. Aluminum oxide wouldn't be a wise particulate and would make refinishing difficult as hell, though it will tend to stay stuck in the goo, probably better than polyurethane.

    Again, I'm not a fan of particulate types of textures, just too difficult to make uniform. They drop out of suspension, are difficult to repair and match, etc.
  5. Andy Jr
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    Andy Jr Junior Member

    Here it is. PC-650 Heavy Duty Epoxy Non Skid. I've used their CM-15 Epoxy Mastic and just broadcasted sand in to it before, which worked well. That was a few years ago when I was in Bayou La Batre, AL.

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  6. pauloman
    Joined: Jun 2010
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    pauloman Epoxy Vendor

    you can get a tectured epoxy by broadcasting salt on sugar upon wet epoxy and then washing it away after the epoxy cures.

    paul oman
    progressive epoxy polymers inc.

    fyi - I sell a tan epoxy paint with a fine grit already mixed in. Often used on heliport landings etc.
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