Engine won't start-Fuel Delivery Problem?

Discussion in 'Gas Engines' started by gpspckt, Jul 3, 2016.

  1. gpspckt
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    gpspckt New Member

    I have a 2006 Four Winns 190 Horizon with a Volvo Penta 4.3 engine. I am experiencing engine problems starting it up after pulling skiers and tubers, shutting the engine off to change skiers or bring kids off the tube into the boat.

    It seems that after the boat is towed back to shore and sits awhile it starts right up. I had it serviced and the mechanic changed the fuel pump stating that the paint on the fuel filter had disintegrated, plugging up the fuel pump. The problem is still occurring after a new (expensive) fuel pump was installed. I don't think it is the fuel pump.

    Any suggestions or ideas?
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Fuel filters are only painted on the outside. The mechanic is shooting in the dark instead of properly troubleshooting. Do you have the old pump? He is required by law to return it to you, unless you don't want it. It would be interesting to look inside and see if it is clogged. Is this a carbureted or fuel injected engine?
  3. gpspckt
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    gpspckt New Member

    Old Fuel Pump


    Here are some photos of the old fuel pump. Please note the flaking paint on the inside top of the fuel pump. Not sure why there is paint on the inside top of the filter.

    One other thing about the boat. It only had 37 hours on it when I bought it and I now have 47 hours. As I mentioned, the engine runs fine when I first start it up. Yesterday I had to be towed to shore and this morning, the engine fired right away.


    Not sure where to go from here. To answer your question about engine. It is a Fuel injection engine.
  4. JDog
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    JDog New Member

    Did you solve your problem? I am having the exact same problem with the same Volvo 4.3 GXI engine.
  5. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    I think it's something wrong with the computer module. The engine starts fine when it's cold but not when it's hot, which probably means it is flooding, or being vapor locked,both of which should not happen with a fuel injected engine. This was a common issue with carburetors. My old 1972 does this occasional, but if I open up the choke it starts right up. Have your mechanic hook it up to his computer and run it until it's good and hot, then see what's going on when you shut it down and try to restart it. He assumed it was a fuel delivery issue. Well he's right but not the way he thought, Its not a lack of fuel it's too much fuel. Could be a bad o2 sensor.
  6. JDog
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    JDog New Member

    When I crank the engine after it has been running hot then shut down it feels like the engine is starved of fuel not flooded in fuel. I have had the boat since it was new and the problem has gotten worse over the years. If I idle the engine for a few minutes before stopping then i have a better chance it would start. Does this still seem like an o2 sensor?
  7. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Maybe. But what really needs to be done is troubleshooting. Your mechanic is one of those who replace parts until they get the right one. They need to hook it up to their computer and do a analysis, look at the codes and find out whats wrong before replacing any parts.

  8. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

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