engine swap

Discussion in 'Gas Engines' started by mike reese, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. mike reese
    Joined: Jul 2012
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    mike reese automotive tech

    will a 4.3 gm automotive motor exchange with a 4.3 gm merecruise
    i heard some cranks are different
    any changeover besides the obvious
    the boat is a 87 carburated

    but i have changed newer 4.3 gm with older or vise versa just have to change almost all accessories
    looking for some advice
    thank you
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2012
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    There are a lot of threads about it, but these are the highlights:
    Fuel pump
    Oil pump
    Harmonic balancer
    Oil pressure and temperature senders
  3. mike reese
    Joined: Jul 2012
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    mike reese automotive tech

    my main concern is the crank.apparently they are the same
    all the other stuff i would expect.
    thank you for your time sir big help

  4. mike reese
    Joined: Jul 2012
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    mike reese automotive tech

    thanks everyone who wrote or sent threads really appreciated
    lots of knowledge learned
    lots of knowledge to share on automotive
    owned a repair shop for 15 years just do boats for family
    also i subscribe to identifix direct hit
    a very good efficient and expensive repair trac
    anyone need advice or wiring schematics any car made any system
    just email can email schematics
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