End of Professional BoatBuilder magazine (probably)

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by DCockey, Oct 11, 2024.

  1. DCockey
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    DCockey Participant

    The last issue of Professional BoatBuilder magazine may have been published; Issue 211, October/November 2024. Matt Murphy, co-owner of the publisher WoodenBoat Publications writes in that issue:
    Professional BoatBuilder's mission is as critical as ever, but, we've concluded, it won't move forward under the roof of WoodenBoat Publications. .... We are seeking a path forward for it, we hope under the stewardship of an entity that focuse on it as it deserves. But this will be the final one produced by WoodenBoat Publications.​

    Aaron Porter, the editor of Professional BoatBuilder for 14 years, is now the Editorial Director of IBEX, where he will "expand the company’s role as a leading source of reliable, independently sourced technical information for boat designers, builders, and service yards". IBEX Hires Aaron Porter as Editorial Director - IBEX Show https://www.ibexshow.com/ibex365/news/ibex-hires-aaron-porter-as-editorial-director/ Nothing about IBEX taking over publication of Professional BoatBuilder.
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  2. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    That's an interesting development....doesn't say it is 100% ending, but almost....and that it is trying to find a new 'partner/investor'.
    Proboat Mag is an invaluable source for many, and needs to continue.
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  3. DCockey
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    DCockey Participant

    My read of Matt Murphy's column is WoodenBoat Publications will have no further involvement with publishing Professional BoatBuilder. If PBB goes forward it will be with a different entity.

    Agree. It has regularly published articles with good technical content which is not readily available elsewhere, including articles by Ad Hoc and other forum participants. Perhaps Aaron Porter and IBEX will provide a place for similar content online.
    bajansailor likes this.
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