Employment Announcement - Remote Piping Designer

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Bella Stender, Sep 4, 2024.

  1. Bella Stender
    Joined: Sep 2024
    Posts: 1
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    Location: Minnesota

    Bella Stender New Member


    This Senior Piping Design Engineer will be designing piping diagrams and designs in 3D and 2D AutoCad and will be designing specs of piping systems and ensuring they are NAVSEA compliant in Navis, ShipConstructor, and AutoCad. Designs will be passed to Senior 3D Checker will ensure drawings meet Navy Specs and will be approved for the build process. The ideal candidate will have a background in the maritime shipbuilding industry and has designed piping systems as a prime on a Navy contract

    Pay: $42-48/hr

    • Must be proficient with AutoCAD, MS Office, and MS Excel
    • Associate degree in an Engineering concentration
    • 10+ years of experience with piping design on ships
    • AutoCAD 2D and 3D piping designing
    • ShipConstructor experience
    Please email a copy of your resume to bella.stender@insightglobal.com if you are interested.

    <mod-note: thread title updated>
  2. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    Location: Tasmania,Australia

    rwatson Senior Member

    I see this is a recruitment company.
    Do they need to be able to spell for the Position ?
    'Employment Annou^cement"

    $50 per hour with those qualifications must be looking for cash in hand, or tax free located candidates.
    mc_rash likes this.
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