Electric Powertrains for new boat platforms available from Zero Motorcycles

Discussion in 'Electric Propulsion' started by CalicoJack162, Oct 28, 2016.

  1. CalicoJack162
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    CalicoJack162 Junior Member

    Zero Motorcycles of Santa Cruz, California makes their Z-Force electric powertrains available to other manufacturers for volume production of electrified mobility platforms beyond the two wheeled world. Zero is currently seeking suitable partners in the marine industry. The powertrain systems are powerful, compact, weatherproof and modular. They are ideally suited for industrial, recreational, transportation and performance watercraft. Does anybody know of designers or manufacturers thinking about electrifying a new design?
  2. cmckesson
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    cmckesson Naval Architect

    Very interesting. Can you sell a single ZF13 powertrain for experimental purposes?
  3. CalicoJack162
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    CalicoJack162 Junior Member

    Prototype quantities are available for purchase

    Yes, Zero will sell the powertrains at prototype quantities.
  4. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    Approximate cost?
  5. CalicoJack162
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    CalicoJack162 Junior Member

    Zero offers 5 different battery module configurations, 3 different motor options and several controllers. That gives a developing project a wide range of power options and as a result price options. Best recommendation would be to look at the Zero Motorcycle range to determine which model would have the closest performance to your needs. A powertrain is going to be significantly less than any bike you select due to wholesale pricing and elimination of there rolling two wheeler parts.
  6. cmckesson
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    cmckesson Naval Architect

    I am seriously interested. The platform would be a 36 foot auxiliary sailboat, but that is only for the prototype. The applications may be much broader.

    Whom should I contact?

    Chris B. McKesson, Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng.
    Instructor – Naval Architecture
    Department of Mechanical Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science
    The University of British Columbia | Point Grey Campus
    2050 – 6250 Applied Science Lane, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

  7. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Yup...me :)
    Im currently looking at several tenders and making them electric.

    Do you have info on size of units weight of units power in and power out?
  8. jasonvi
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    jasonvi Junior Member

    Specs for motor

    Do you have the dimensions for the motor/battery units available?
  9. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    What continuous power ratings are available? What is the controller and motor efficiency?
  10. CalicoJack162
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    CalicoJack162 Junior Member

    @Ad Hoc and @jasonvi, please send me an email and I'll be happy to provide dimensions for all of the components. You can download my address in the v-card on my profile.

    @DCockey, The Z-Force powertrain can achieve continuous power output of 20hp in several configurations.
  11. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    As a matter of general interest -

    How would motor and controller cooling be done on a boat? The norm for boats is a fresh-water cooling loop to a raw-water exchanger or keel cooler.

    Have you got any clutch options. Many potential boat applications will want a clutch for parallel hybrid operation.

    If you could link us to some basic four-quadrant performance data for the motor that would be very helpful. This doesn't have to anything fancy, but a bit more than torque/amp and rpm/volt would be nice.
  12. CalicoJack162
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    CalicoJack162 Junior Member

    @philSweet, the Zero powertrains don't require any cooling systems. When installed on the motorcycles, they experience a natural cooling affect from being 'in the wind' as such. Other applications have used fans and some have created water jackets and heat sink attachments. We do not offer a clutch apparatus as part of our core business strategy but this would most likely not be difficult to source elsewhere. In lieu of having the chart you requested readily available, all of the Zero performance data is readily available on the website www.zeromotorcycles.com

  13. Jim Caldwell
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    Jim Caldwell Senior Member

    Jim, your site has no Technical info to even make an initial evaluation from.
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