Eddy Shipbuilding Corp?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Jeff, Jun 14, 2001.

  1. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

    The local historical society was just given a box of plans from the Eddy Shipbuilding Corp. in Bay City Michigan and they asked what I might know about them. Can anyone tell me about Eddy Shipbuilding during the 1940's?

    I posted some of the plans here

    I was hoping that there would be some full sets, but they are mostly one sheet per boat, with a profile and plan. The names on the drawings are P.W. Holsinger, G.C. Hacker, and J.W. Eddy.

    Thanks in advance for any information anyone might be able to share.
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  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Eddy Shipbuilding Company

    Hi Jeff,

    According to some info I gathered, here is a little bit on Eddy Shipbuilding Company. Ron Bloomfield at Bay County Historical Society in Bay City, MI might have more on the firm.

    Eddy Shipbuilding Corp. Boat builders, Bay City

    Eddy Shipbuilding Corp.
    700 Harrison
    Bay City
    Houses, prefabricated; Boats
    G. C. Eddy, Pres.
    E. J. Turner, Fac. Mgr.
    T. G. Meyers, Sec.
    R. P. Dendle, Treas.
    C. H. Hacker, Pur. Agt.
    Emp., M., 250; F., 125; Est. 1942

    Source: Michigan Manufacturer and Financial Record. The Directory of Michigan Manufacturers, 1946 (Detroit, MI: Manufacturer Publishing Co., 1946.) pp. 33, 88.

    An article in MoToR BoatinG (December 1959) on John L. Hacker, the noted naval architect, states the following:

    "When Eddy Boat Company went into production of military boats in 1941 Hacker became chief architect and consultant for the firm. Here he had a hand in producing many wartime craft."

    [I believe this is the same firm, misnamed in the article.]

    The box of materials is probably quite valuable for this reason, and would best be used at a maritime archive such as Mystic Seaport or The Mariners' Museum (this is where more of Hacker's drawings are located.

    Scott Peters
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    eddy boats

    my grandfather owned eddy boats. He was George Glen Eddy. My father has some old things from that time.
  4. RonB
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    RonB New Member

    I would be interested in talking with you or your father about your Grandfather. I am attempting to collect information on the history on Eddy Shipbuilding Corporation and its predecessor Eddy Boat Building Company for our files.
    Ron Bloomfield
    Curator of Collections and Research
    Bay County Historical Society
    321 Washington Ave.
    Bay City, MI 48708
    (989) 893-5733
  5. linda

    linda Guest

    eddy sailboats 13' details

    I too would like some more information on these sailboat plans(building plans) My father is interested in building this old model as he built one back in 1940. Please get back to me and let me know asap if these plans are still available and complete for the 13 ' sailboat. Thank so so much in advance...Linda
  6. JonCynthia
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    JonCynthia New Member

    Those of you who researched Eddy Shipbuildling Company I would like to get in touch with you to learn more about our boat which is a 1943 47 foot tugboat built by Eddy Ship Building Company.
  7. TedinMich
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    TedinMich New Member

    Douglas Van Patten Info

    Being new to this forum,this may be old news, but I discovered that Mr. Van Patten who designed the Eddycat also designed the "Canada" unlimited hydroplanes. Thanks. Ted.
  8. rilera
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    rilera New Member

    My father worked for the Huron-Eddy Boats in the 50s. He worked alongside John Hacker until he was drafted during the Korean War during which time Huron Eddy went out of business. I found a letter from a Detroit Law Firm which was suing Huron Eddy to collect back wages for employees after they went out of business. After the war, my dad worked for Defoe Shipbuilding as a Naval Architect. He was the chief Naval Architect when Defoe went out of business in 1977.

    Robyn Riley
  9. JonCynthia
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    JonCynthia New Member

    Where was Huron-Eddy Boats located?
  10. rilera
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    rilera New Member

    It was in Detroit, Michigan I believe.
  11. timcolton
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  12. William R. Baue
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    William R. Baue New Member

    Eddy boatbuilding Eddycat

    I am interested in getting a copy of the EddyCat plans you have posted. I am an instructor in a Bay City Michigan boatbuilding class and we are looking for a winter project and the Eddy cat seems perfect. I will redraw the plans from your posting if necessary but would like to have a copy of the originals.

    Also I have been in contact with the Bay City Historical Society and they are very interested in any material your local historical society has on the Eddy Shipbuilding Co.

  13. wbauer
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    wbauer Junior Member

    Eddycat, Eddy Ship building

    In 2007 and 2008 the Saginaw Bay Community Sailing Association built a
    Eddycat using the construction plans found here as a basis for lofting new plans and creating a table of offsets.

    March 27, 2008 Bay City times article on the project

    SBCSA web site on the project
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    wbauer Junior Member

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  15. awlgrip
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    awlgrip New Member

    awlgrip, I own and operate a boatyard in eastern NC

    Hello to all, I own a boat that has been around town here for years. The paper work I was given with the boat says it is a 1954 Eddy. It is 18 feet long with a single cockpit forword and has a somewhat mid engine location with deck opening doors. The transom looks like a Chris Craft barrelback.The front deck outer or wood next to the rubrail has mohogany that is approx 15" wide. Which seems to me like prior to WWII? It was sold as a newer boat but the lift rings have the extended flag look to them or pre WWII? Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I can send several picks of it.Oh , I almost forgot, it was sold to a customers father back in the late 70's in Canton CT ( I lived there in that town then but never knew?) ,and the registration numbers were , NY85CB.
    If anyone has any idea please feel free to email or call me at Dave 252 229 0939, Thanks ,Dave
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