E - Bike with Foils

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Manfred.pech, Oct 22, 2017.

  1. Manfred.pech
    Joined: Apr 2010
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    Manfred.pech Senior Member

  2. kerosene
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    kerosene Senior Member

    Almost super cool. Range is left a bit of mystery. No idea how much assistance the rider is supposed to put / how long will it go with 400w power. 0.4kW practical capacity is bit of a challenge to fit in 20kg device.

    I would love it to work well and be readonably priced.
    Manfred.pech likes this.
  3. BlueBell
    Joined: May 2017
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    In the article linked above, are the answers to your questions.

    It's an interesting approach.
    The lighter and more fit you are, the farther/longer you can go because you use less battery power to stay on-foil.

  4. kerosene
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    kerosene Senior Member

    Runs for about an hour and max speed is X does not mean range is max speed times 1h. With electric devices it is more of a rule that range calc is made with far lower power usage than the max.

    Neither is there any concrete indication of price. I had read the article when I raised my questions.
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