Dynamic positioning for medium sized vessels

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by CTMD, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. CTMD
    Joined: Dec 2007
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    CTMD Naval Architect

    I've been looking for a company that has a good electric to mechanical control system for a high speed diesel (Yanmar 6LY2AM or similar) with a dynamic positioning option. The outboard manufactures pretty much all have a product for their fly by wire engines and the big end of town have big ticket systems that do the job. But I can't find a product for middle size boats. Does anyone have any ideas?
  2. powerabout
    Joined: Nov 2007
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    powerabout Senior Member

    volvo has it as does Merc so there is a range of diesels there.
    Its not actually dynamic positioning its just follow a gps ( no PID control )
  3. CTMD
    Joined: Dec 2007
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    CTMD Naval Architect

    Unfortunately the mercs are too small. My understanding is Volvo only have it with IPS which isn't an option the client would go for.
  4. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    sounds like you need a real DP system, which can drive anything ofcourse
  5. gonzo
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  6. StianM
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