.dxf of developed plates getting scaled down??

Discussion in 'Software' started by elemenopee, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. elemenopee
    Joined: Mar 2011
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    elemenopee New Member

    Hi everyone!

    I have been searching and reading these forums for a while now and it has been very helpfull. I've designed a model boat for an rc project I am working on and I'm having some difficulty with the .dxf output.

    The boat that I have made is approx 4' long and all of the dimensions reflect that. When I develop the plates all of the markers and dimensions are correct however when I save them as a .dxf they get shrunk down by a factor of 12.

    WHY!?? :confused:

    any pointers would be appreciated,


    After having played with freeship for a while now I am looking into purchasing a design program. My question is this; because I am making small model boats can I use delftship (or any other suggested program) to design a boat that can be carved out of wood by a cnc router?


  2. wet feet
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    wet feet Senior Member

    They may be coming out as inches instead of feet.Imperial units can be funny like that.
  3. duluthboats
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    duluthboats Senior Dreamer

    “My question is this; because I am making small model boats can I use delftship (or any other suggested program) to design a boat that can be carved out of wood by a cnc router?”

    Cutting 2D profiles from your developed panels in .dxf format is not difficult. Carving (3D surface cutting) is more difficult and may require some prep work from the shop doing the cutting.
  4. elemenopee
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    elemenopee New Member

    Thanks for the input. I've figured out how the process of designing and having a 3d plug cut by a cnc router works.

    I'm still having the scaling problem. It happens wether I use imperial or metric units. Does the zoom factor affect the output size? So frustrating!
  5. duluthboats
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    duluthboats Senior Dreamer

    All I can add is I would be happy to look at the file to see if I notice something.

  6. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Could you post the .fbm file of your boat, so we could also give it a try?
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