DXF File Editor For Mac?

Discussion in 'Software' started by CatBuilder, May 5, 2011.

  1. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Does anyone know of a good, free or trial based software produce for Mac OSX that will allow me to:

    *Open .DXF files
    *Edit files (just cutting, cropping, turning off layers)
    *Save modified .DXF files

    What would be the best product for this?
  2. CGN
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    CGN Senior Member

  3. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Excellent. Thank you very much. I'll try this out today.
  4. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    The program didn't work. It wouldn't open the .DXF file and is a beta release. :(

    Any ideas? Do I try to convert the DXF to a DWG then open it?

    Different software?
  5. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Does anyone else here use CAD on Mac OSX?

    All I'm trying to do is open up a DXF file (which I also have in DWG version now since I found a converter).

    After opening, I need to turn off some layers, zoom and cut, then save as a DXF or DWG file.

    That's it. Nothing else.

    Anyone know of software that can do this?

    I was looking at downloading AutoCAD for OSX, but it is a 5 hour download.
  6. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Hey folks,

    I just spent 10 hours trying to get some *****NG AutoCAD files ready for a printer and I can't do it.

    Basically, I have some DWG and DXF files for my bulkheads.

    I need to open these files, turn on a single layer for one bulkhead, zoom in and crop, then save the file as DWG or DXF. F'n simple.

    However, there are no programs that will work for this INCLUDING F'N AUTOCAD FOR MAC!!!!


    AutoCAD for Mac won't install on my admittedly improperly configured Mac, but this is BS. It aborts after a hardware check instead of allowing me to run it poorly but at least save the files. I spent 5 hours downloading it today.

    DraftSight, which runs on the computer and has all the right capabilities only shows a blank drawing when it opens the files.

    Solid Works eDrawings opens a beautiful file, but doesn't allow cropping or DXF or DWG saves.

    I'm losing my mind here because this ate an entire day I should have been working on the boat.

    I need to get these CAD files made up so a local printer can print them out.

    Can anyone help in any way? Does anyone know how I can do this on OS X? Does anyone know if there is a place you can rent an AutoCAD workstation by the hour?

  7. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Finally found something that worked. 8th download was the charm:


    CADuntu is a good program for working with DWG and DXF files on Macs. Posted the result for those searching the forum in the future.
  8. ludesign
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    ludesign Senior Member

    Yes, it does read DXF. Just like AutoCAD, you have to actively select DXF in the Open dialog pop-up. Admittedly, very confusing, but what can you expect from something that clones the awful AutoCAD interface. My impression is that it reads and writes DXF/DWG very well though.
  9. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member


    It may "read" or parse a dxf file, but it was incapable of displaying it.

  10. ludesign
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    ludesign Senior Member

    In that case, the file you tried to import was corrupted, or it is outside the view area.

    I tried a DXF generated by TouchCAD, and re-exported it from Vectorworks and TurboCAD, all Mac versions, and they all worked fine to import into DraftSight.
  11. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    No, that's not the case. It's a parsing error because all the other programs I tried parsed and then displayed the file correctly. SolidWorks opened it correctly as did a number of other independent programs that didn't have the features I needed to perform the work.

    The DXF files were generated by AutoCAD, though I suspect it was an older version of AutoCAD my designer used. Circa 2000 or so.

    As an interesting aside, I have a former career in this general area, so I kind of know what's going on under the hood. I co-wrote the following CAD/CAM software when I was a C++ Developer:


    I wrote UniCAM, which became a Tecnomatix product, which then became a Seimens product.

    DraftSight has a parsing or display bug. It's incorrectly parsing the file my designer gave me. All other programs open it properly, so this shows there is a problem with DraftSight's DXF parsing module or with the display module.
  12. CGN
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    CGN Senior Member

    A work around that may help is to download trueview from autodesk use it to save the dxf file into another version maybe even as a dwg and try open it in draftsight, i haven't had any problems with it so far (draftsight) and i open files from many other softwares, I was reluctant to add trueview in my pc but i haven't regretted i recommend it
  13. CGN
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    CGN Senior Member

    reading a little more on one of your responses definitely try Trueview.
  14. Brian@BNE
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    Brian@BNE Senior Member

    Ok, problem fixed by now by the sounds of it.

    In general I find the best MAC solution is to run windows version (whatever you want) under BootCamp, then run the windows app. Typically a Windows app is somewhat castrated in its MAC guise, compared to an app written for MAC in the first place. I'm liking my MAC, but just cant imagine surviving without the BootCamp option. I've installed both Windows 7 and Windows XP, but only very rarely have gone to the latter for anything at all.

    In this case I'd suggest AutoSketch 10. Its 2D only but appears to do DXF & DWG the way Autodesk intend, but at a fraction of the AutoCAD pricing.

    Even better is to use Fusion (or Parallels) to have both MAC and Windows running simultaneously. No need for shut down/re-boot when changing from one o/s to the other. Running two screens and with 8GB RAM in a MacBook Pro it is no problem to have MAC on one screen and your Windows app on the other one, and switch between the two with a mouse click. But if you only use occasional Windows apps on your MAC then shutting the MAC down and re-booting in Windows would be OK.

  15. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Agreed, Brian.

    My use of CAD software is limited to a couple of 2-D plots from the designer and that's it, so I didn't bother to use Parallels. Just a one-off kind of situation here.

    Yes, the problem is solved and the printer is printing up the 1:1 templates now for me. Should have them today to begin installing bulkheads tomorrow AM.
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