Dufour T6 - keel broken off

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Jan Peter, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. Jan Peter
    Joined: Jun 2017
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    Jan Peter New Member

    Last month I hit the ground hard with my Dufour T6
    Today, while sailing for the first time again, I noticed that she wouldn't stay on course. So I jumped in the water, checked what was wrong with the keel and to my horror discovered that the (lift)keel has completely broken off.
    Does anyone have advise on how to get a new keel or how to make one?
    Jan Peter
  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    The T6 centerboard is pretty basic. It's nearly rectangular, with a high pivot pin and a simple wire hoist. Unfortunately, getting the remains of the old one out and making a new one isn't an easy thing. This is because of the hull liner. About 1/3 of a meter aft of the compression post, inside the cabin and what appears to be the centerboard case is the real case and more importantly the pivot pin. It's possible there's an access plate to the pin, but more often than not, you'll have to cut the liner to get at it. Then the boat needs to be hoisted or jacked up, so the pin can be driven out (or unbolted) and the remains of the centerboard can drop (or need to be pulled) out.

    With the stub out, you can consider a new board. Contact Dufour (> .dufour-yachts.com <) and see if you can get the dimensional drawings of the board. This will help immensely with you project. You'll be able to make a new one, though it'll be just like the same one designed in the early 1980's, which might not be the best way to go. New sectional and planform shapes can improve your performance envelope, if desired and since you need a new board anyway, why not take advantage of the opportunity.
  3. Jan Peter
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    Jan Peter New Member

    Dear PAR,
    Thanks for your reply. Following your advise I contacted Dufour. Hopefully they'll come back with the drawings. Coming weekend my T6 will be put ashore and then I hope to get the remainder of the centerboard out.
  4. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    It's not an uncommon repair, though can be daunting for a novice. The work isn't particularly hard, maybe a little itchy, but basic 'glassing techniques really. Dufour is an upright outfit, I'll bet they'll send you a JPG or PDF of the actual construction drawings in the areas affected. It's so common a repair, I did one on a 70's era Catalina 25 recently.
  5. CloudDiver
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    CloudDiver Senior Member

    Good Luck getting any kind of answer from Dufour. I sent them an email several month ago a newer (mid 1990's) 40 ft production sloop. No answer. I was only asking some basic questions about scantlings and construction materials, not even requesting drawings. I don't think they care much about 'average' folk buying any of their used boats across the pond.
  6. Dirk Smallenbroek
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    Dirk Smallenbroek New Member

    Hello Jan Peter,

    Last winter I fixed the centreboard/swingkeel from our Dufour T6, after hitting bottom under Vlieland. It broke off half way and I shaped and fibreglassed a new end part on the board.
    If you are still interrested I can send you some extra foto's from the process..

    Regards Dirk

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  7. Jan Peter
    Joined: Jun 2017
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    Jan Peter New Member

    Hi Dirk,
    From far away (Uruguay) thanks for your reply and pictures (ofwel: bedankt)
    With the advise I received I made a new keel (wood, laminated with fiberglass) - seems very similar to what you did and.....works perfectly.

    Hope to see you on the Waddenzee next season

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