Dual Steering

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by SeaScout, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. SeaScout
    Joined: Apr 2013
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    SeaScout New Member

    I don't know if it's a new idea I am sorry if it isn't maybe you could point me on the right direction because I can't find it.

    Would it be possible to have two steering and throttle points on a fishing boat, so if its nice and sunny you can drive from outside, but when it starts peeing it down you could go inside the cabin and steer?

    All help much appreciated.
  2. Hampus
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    Hampus Junior Member


    Yes, it's possible. How depends on your engine and steering systems. Older engines use mechanical throttle linkages but it's still possible to use double stations. Example here: http://www.vetus.com/boat-instrumen...rottle.html#product_tabs_description_contents

    Modern engines use electronic throttle controls in which case you install the new control and run a cable.

    Much the same goes for steering. Either you have mechanical steering and use a system for dual control, or you use hydraulic steering and use an additional wheel pump. Unless you use a solenoid controlled electrical pump today in which case you hook it up to your new wheel or joystick or whatever you steer with.

  3. SeaScout
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    SeaScout New Member

    Ohh wow that's great thanks much.
  4. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    On my past builds and likewise on my present build I use hydrolic steering when in the wheelhouse with a bypass valve that allows me to use tiller steering in the cockpit. Generally during rough or cold weather I am in the wheelhouse under reefed or no sail motoring. In this situation the less sensitive hydrolic steering is just fine. During good sailing weather i am usually in the cockpit under sail alone and the more sensitive manual tiller steering is a plus in that one obtains good feedback from the sail and hull thru the rudder to the tiller. When tiller steering the wheelhouse hydrolic steering is disabled by simply opening a bypass valve which causes the hydrolic fluid to flow in a bypass loop effectively isolating and disabeling the hydrolic steering ram as if it didn't exist.
  5. FMS
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    FMS Senior Member

    Dual station steering and throttles have been used for a long time. Every flybridge has a master/remote dual station setup. The new fly by wire systems are even easier to add a second station. (attachment: the simplest dual station cable steering, this one teleflex)

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  6. rwatson
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