Drinks at sundown in the cockpit

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by watchkeeper, Dec 6, 2012.

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  1. watchkeeper

    watchkeeper Previous Member

    Had a good days sailing, sitting on the pick while the good lady prepares a salad while you grill the steaks

    Got a good bottle of French wine to have with dinner, check the lable again.

    Chinese vineyards have been buying up French wineries and Chalets to access French wine lables. Now they're sending Chinese grape - pretty awful stuff to the bottlers and putting those nice French lables on the bottles.

    The lables ae French , no arguement there, maybe even the bottles but the red stuff inside isn't.

    Check online for a French winery called Malus Winery Co France that offers an Aligote Dry Red, it does'nt exist but the 'French' wine is sold in China and coming to a bottle store near you.
  2. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Or try some Italian wines. They are imo second to none, French included, and are still Chinese-free. ;)
  3. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Better go with beer... ice cold beer...

    Picture it...... Warm fall sunshine , holding onto the tiller of a falkuša , surfing peacefully thru a sea of ice cold beer...............

    Just reach over and fill your glass.


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  4. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    With around 5 °C outside right now, that pic is what I call foul playing. :p
  5. watchkeeper

    watchkeeper Previous Member

    We got minus 10C tonite - current time 19:30, I would sit outside wearing just my sense of humour for a bottle of good Italian or French red
  6. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member


    Dont change the subject....I wont be sidetracked by that fluff.

    Only BEER...ice cold beer.

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  7. Number4

    Number4 Previous Member

    Nice Melons!
    The fruit are looking very healthy aswell.
  8. troy2000
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Try a good California Zinfandel with those grilled steaks.... red Zinfandel, the real stuff. Not that nasty white Zinfandel.
  9. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Zinfandel... Troy, with one word you have united three countries, two of which my homes - Croatia, Italy and US (California). Did you know that grapes called Zinfandel, the Italian Primitivo and Croatian Plavac share a common ancestor grape in Croatia? You can find an interesting albeit too short reading about it here, for example: http://www.wineinstitute.org/resources/winefactsheets/article99
    Both Plavac and Primitivo are excellent wines, strong and with full, persistant taste. I love them, so I guess I'd like Zinfandel too, will have to try it one day. :)

    Imo, wine is a wonderful human invention. If you find a good reading about it's history, production, characteristics and uses, you will remain fascinated beyond the point of no return. You will want to learn ever more, and more. Wine is an excellent tool for socialization, too. One can pass the whole evening in good company, talking about wine-related topics, ranging from technical, gastronomical, even philosophical aspects. All words well-lubricated with good red one. :)

    And there is no better way of starting a nice evening in a lovely female company than with a glass of a fine red wine, in the gentle warm air of a summer sunset or near a fireplace... ;)
  10. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

    Guys down south here a lot of things are "dodgy" but our wines are flippen good - the South African reds are to die for. Merlot - Cabernet - Shirage - any one, all good.

    We drink a beer that is 4.5% alcohol - clear stuff that should be drunk ice cold.

    So on deck around sunset - start with a beer or three to quench the thirst
    grill the steaks
    cook the maize porridge = "pap" (stiff like mash) with a thick onion and pepper sauce gravy
    eat with a bottle of nice red wine
    finish the evening with a couple of good scotch whiskey's (no Jack)
    bed time
  11. Number4

    Number4 Previous Member

    In western Uganda, the men consider skinny ladies to be ugly, and the larger lady to be completely beautiful. This big fat German girl had a heart attack hiking in the Ruwenzori mountains. The locals were desolate for weeks.
    It took ten grown men to carry her corpse off the montain. They were all hysterical.
  12. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    I've known for a while that our Zinfandel is basically Italian Primitavo, but it wasn't until last year that I learned about its Croatian roots. I'd say California owes Croatia (and Italy) a debt of gratitude....

    I'll take a good Zinfandel over most Cabernet Sauvignon wines any time, although I'm also fond of Cabernet.
  13. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    I've tried some, and can confirm you have some really good wines down there. :)

    That's what I'm talking about. Well-spent and good-tasting moments of our lives. :)
  14. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Hey Michael, I see so many pics from Croatia, but I read "location: Spain" in your header... Can you help me resolve that mystery? :)

  15. portsmouthmarin

    portsmouthmarin Previous Member

    Barely made it past all the fat chicks, but two of my favorite things to come out of Europe. Other than these, I don't really drink.




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