Drawing shipmodel hull in Rhino (wing transom problem)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Haitham, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. Haitham
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    Haitham New Member

    Hi all

    I'm new in rhino and
    I'm trying to draw the hull of an old ship model (year 1774) using rhino. I managed to draw most of the hull using frames and waterlines and using the curve network command.
    When I try to draw the back part (wing transom) always the result is not smooth with the rest of the hull. I tried many commands but the result is bad, hope you will have the time to help me and guide me

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    • hull.png
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      257.4 KB
  2. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    Two different approaches to model a hull of that shape:

    1) Use several patches. Work will be needed so that the patches are fair with each other.

    2) Use the Patch command. This generally works best for me if I create a starting surface similar to the final shape. Also, the resulting surface will extend outside the perimeter of the hull surface and will need to be trimmed.
  3. Haitham
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    Haitham New Member

    Thanks for the reply
    You mean I use the patch command for the part I cant draw (wing transom) then I try to connect it with the rest of hull?

    Do you have any tutorial showing how I can do it? as I don't understand clearly how should I do it

  4. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    You could use the patch command for the "wing" part, or for the entire half-hull. The Patch command can take a lot of experimentation to obtain a satisfactory result. I don't have a tutorial.
  5. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    I have gotten good results from using EdgSrf on small sections of the underlying curves.

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  6. SukiSolo
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    SukiSolo Senior Member

    There are several ways to build your model. You may need to try 3 or 4 approaches. When you get it right you will be surprised how simple it is, though 'fighting' with it for a time may make it seem impossible.

    The key is the curves, which ones you use and how simple they are. As David says above, you may need curves beyond the hull itself and then trimmed back. Make sure the curves are as smooth (ie edit curve and see how many points etc) as possible. Use the minimum number of curves. Also be prepared for some of the original drawing(s) to be slightly out of fairness. Unless you have a scanned IGES file of the hull, what was built may not be exactly to the drawing!. It should be close but 3D will show up very tiny discrepancies which would have ben irrelevant at the time.

    Sometimes putting in a 'construction' surface to get tangency is required. This is true in other 3D modellers as well. Keep at it, and be prepared to be pretty flexible with 3D modelling, often there is no single 'way' to get the required result. Rhino can do the job though.
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  7. CBD Boat Design
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    CBD Boat Design Junior Member

    You probably have a problem with the continuity of the lines, look refine the intersections with the sides and the middle sections match perfectly.
    You have to solve problems of continuity of contours and intermediate sections. Remember if these globulins have unions, they should be perfectly tangent.

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  8. selant
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    selant Member

    Can somebody please provide tutorial if any, for hull modeling in rhino 5 ? PDF tutorials or video tutorials step by step is greatly appreciated. Thank you
  9. rwatson
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  10. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Haitham sometimes rather than trying to model from bow to stern look at going from sheer to keel. Here (see quick example) I split the sections along the hull from the bow to the top of the stern post with a connecting line (bit like rabbet line). This gave me top and bottom sections and edge lines for a net work of curves.

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  11. selant
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  12. Haitham
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    Haitham New Member

    bhnautika, Many many thanks for you post and your help
    Can you please give me your email or Skype, I just need to discuss with you in more details
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