Drawing cat in freeship

Discussion in 'Software' started by fredschmidt, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. fredschmidt
    Joined: Jan 2010
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    Location: Natal - Brasil

    fredschmidt Naval Architect

    Several people asked me how draw a cat in free ship.
    1 - design one banana (one hull without leak points).
    2 - Mirror in Vertical plan d=0
    3 - Move with Transverse Plan d= center lines hulls distances to cat center line

    4 - good luck.
  2. baeckmo
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    ....all under the design restriction that the hulls are symmetrical....., which is not a general case.
    HJS and TANSL like this.
  3. fredschmidt
    Joined: Jan 2010
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    fredschmidt Naval Architect

    Do the procedures like above an after change the form.
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