Dragonfly 39

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Nico Crispi, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Nico Crispi
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    Nico Crispi Junior Member

    They stopped making the Dragonfly 39, a much sturdier build boat than their smaller models, but brokerage boats are occasionally available in the $200 range.

    The intent is to cruise open waters and oftentimes shorthanded. Center cockpit tris are quite rare and I haven't been able to find any reviews of this one. What is your opinion of the boat?
  2. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Nicolò,

    The DF 39' is more commonly known as the Dragonfly 1200, so more info can be found under that name, in total 18 of the DF 1200 were built between 2000 - 2007.

    See Quorning Boats Denmark (the Dragonfly manufacturer) ---> Dragonfly 1200 ---> check there the buttons below the first DF 1200 picture



    Dragonfly Estonia shows a drawing...

    See also the Old - DF forum ---> DF 1200 ---> DF 1200 Pics ---> DF 1200 Specs

    There was a 2001 built DF 1200 recently sold in Portugal, asking € 189 K - (EU Tax/VAT status = Paid/Included)

    And a 2000 built DF 1200 (hull № 1) was recently sold, also asking € 189 K - (EU Tax/VAT status = Paid/Included)

    See for the latter the New - DF Forum ---> FOR SALE / WANTED ---> the bottom ad right now

    And right now there's a 2002 built DF 1200 for sale in Italy, asking € 260 K - (EU Tax/VAT status = Paid/Included)

    Good luck !
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017
  3. Nico Crispi
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    Nico Crispi Junior Member

  4. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    As with all Dragonfly's (and other folding Multi's), make no mistakes with the folding system . . :eek:

    See the thread float broke off... trimaran capsizes, that's an old thread of which many pics are gone now, so below some new pics from here....






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    Juniper II vs. DF 1200, in my opinion, when you need to dock her in a narrow berth, go for the DF which is a good boat, if the folding feature isn't a necessity, then go for the Juniper which is a better boat, and for lesser money I believe . . ;)

    My next posts is about Chris White's own 1981 Juniper, when Henk de Velde got her . . :cool:

    Of course posted in the appropriate thread, but dinner first . . :)
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017
  5. Nico Crispi
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    Nico Crispi Junior Member

    Thanks, you're something else!

    It looks like she has different amas than the current boats. Any word as to if they weren't properly locked in place? Most, if not all, Trimaran mishaps are due to operator error / carelessness.

    Quite interesting but this wouldn't keep me from getting a DF 39'.
  6. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Yes, that was the mistake there, it's all in the linked thread, see eg the statement of Jens Quorning in post #15.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
  7. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    That's the problem with all multihulls, they are not fail-safe at all, if you are careless on a good mono and have a 130° knockdown, well, you just clean up the mess in the galley and carry on, if you show the same carelessness at the wrong time with a multi, well then you'll find yourself upside down in the middle of an ocean . . :eek:

    Below one of the many examples of multihull carelessness at the wrong time, from the Multihull Capsize Prevention thread, please discuss it there further, that is, if you want to . . :rolleyes:

    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017

  8. Nico Crispi
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    Nico Crispi Junior Member

    Thanks Angélique. CW designs nice boats and I appreciate his willingness to explore novel sail plans, he does not say that multihulls are self-righting though some people behave as if they were.

    Back at the time I read about Anna's travails and frankly I had no understanding or sympathy for its crew. Sorry about that 60kts squall that caught them unaware and all that, etc. etc.

    Anna's transoms appeared to be crushed during the impact with the hull of its savior and started listing soon thereafter. I wonder if Sinbad sued the M/V Forum that came to his rescue and thus got an insurance settlement. Maybe it is mentioned in his verbose blog but I can't stand to read more of it.
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