Dogs on boats, and our best Friends in general.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by apex1, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    I was in Tonga with a joint venture with the King building several myark folding trailer barges an to teach youth boat building skills.

    The picture of the dog was when it was spear gunned to the head then when reeled it in was then hit on the head but managed to wriggle of the spear and escape.

    My wife an I spent months trying to heal its wounds by squeezing puss from its head every few hours including through out each night but needed an operation which in Tonga has not the equipment to do so.

    I end up flying a friend who is a vet from New Zealand to Tonga with all the drugs and operating equipment that cost me $3000, but after operation a few days later the dog died.
    The vet did not charge me for his time, he also helped me chop flashes leg off a couple of years before hand.

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  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Don't repeat this, myark because I will deny I said it, but I believe you do have some redeeming qualities. ;)

    Thanks for trying to save that poor little spear gun victim.

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  3. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

  4. keith66
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    keith66 Senior Member

    Tuesday i lost my best friend the collie cross Zip. We got him from the dog pound in 2002 aged approx 9 months old. He had been dumped on Canvey seafront & ran wild for some weeks before the dog warden managed to collar him. I will never understand how anyone could dump a dog like this but their loss was our gain. Being a self employed boatbuilder he came everywhere with me & as i was at home a lot bring up our son he rapidly settled into the family.
    I trained him to the gun & he loved it becoming the best gundog i have ever had. He hated grey squirrels & rats & gave them no mercy. I have never known a more gentle natured or intelligent dog.
    He came sailing & rowing with us & was an endless source of fun.
    In his later years his intelligence was called into question 3 times after trying to kill Adders (our only venomous snake) & losing. However he recovered each time.
    Over the last year & a half his back end got arthritic & he couldnt do the long walks we used to. A few days ago i came down stairs to find his legs had gone following a stroke. He was put to sleep that evening.
    Our hearts have been torn out. We have buried him in the garden. He will be a hard act to follow.

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  5. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I feel your pain.
  6. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    Raccoon Dogs have special claws to climb trees which is because they are part vegetarian and climb trees to eat the fruit and to live in safety from ground predators .
    They also like water and are good at hunting fish in rivers and swamps.
    They may look cute and cuddly but are very strong dogs that will never attack a human unless when been held that have an unusual strength and powerful bite.

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  7. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    The boat is a stern stretched (LOD 38' to 41') Colvin Doxy Gaff-rigged Schooner named ParaDoxy, the dog on the ladder looks to me like a tricolour Border Collie.


    for comparison a web pic from the third above link
    Usually they have a white blaze or stripe on their face, like the blaze of the dog on the ladder.

    The Colvin Doxy - ParaDoxy - is just sold to a forum mate . . . :cool:
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  8. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Peanut enjoys a sunset ride. IMG_20171109_172848569~3.jpg
  9. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    He also likes a daytime ride. IMG_20171117_132829566~2.jpg
  10. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hoyt, seems your dog has a side job at Amazon . . . :)

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  11. PAR
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    I have a soft spot for Lab's in general and yellow ones in particular. Fine dogs, smart, mellow and calm for the most part. They learn quickly and usually want to please their owner, continuously. They hunt very well, tend to be a little protective, which isn't a bad thing and are a hearty breed. They also have incredible endurance, given their huge lungs.
  12. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    He loves playing with a boat fender. He isn't a full lab. He is part terrier.
  13. PAR
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    Yeah I have a similar mix and he loves water. He attacks it like it was beer coming out of a hose. In fact, he usually insists on a sip of my beer. He's literal a beer hound. I like this pit/lab mix because they don't usually have the second under coat, so they're a lot easier to bath.
  14. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)


  15. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Originally posted by Round World 2 - - ‘‘Grinsen Hund’’ - = - ‘‘Grin Dog’’

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