Dogs on boats, and our best Friends in general.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by apex1, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    sorry you lost your dog man, I know how that is

    I lost my last dog a while ago and never could bring myself to get another
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  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I have the same feelings. Dogs are heartbreak waiting to happen.
  3. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    conditions you emotionally for the realities of life.
  4. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    True. Lost too many family members recently; leaving me rather melancholy.
  5. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    again my condolences

    I lost a friend and her unborn to a viscous car accident yesterday. She lingered for a day unconscious and passed in an induced coma. She had recently gotten married and things were really looking up for her, she was always kind when others weren't always so much. Her husband is still in critical and we are waiting to see if he will recover.

    I only feel badly for the family though, in my belief system there is a better place

    I say its a good day
    now she will always be near

  6. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Sorry for your loss. :(
  7. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    I was speaking to a mutual friend of her's and I the other day and we agreed that it was nice she could go out on top so to speak. Her life was going great and she was happy. Cant think of a better time to go, so I'm happy for her, strange as it sounds. I do however feel very badly for her husband who has yet to decide if he's staying or leaving. Maybe they are discussing it together before he makes his decision.

    thanks for the thought H
    best of luck
  8. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    That's so sad Hoyt. My condolence. Losing one is hard enough.
  9. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    It is strange, we remember them as if they were our children.

    After loosing my children, as Hoyt encountered, I thought the world would stop spinning.

    Dogs can help us through the very pain, much better than any human would ever do. I whish I would have had one at my side in these very first days....

    They are our children (I hate the belitteling term Kids), because they have only US as parents, caring of them.

    A dog never cheats us, and is always fine with what we have. I have seen poor people, living on the streets, having happy dogs. These people did have a sense for who is friend and who is not. I adore them, in a way, guys like ********* cannot grasp.

    One knows, right in advance, the dog will leave us before we are ready to cope with it. Thats hard to stand, but fact.

    Loosing our children is a different basket.

    I love your refrigerator ad. I would love to add:
    Our children are allowed to treat him as the weakest member of the pack! YOU are not.
    Our children got trained natural and social behaviour by him, you not.
    Our children call him a member of the pack, you call him pack...

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  10. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    My dogs provided great comfort during my greatest loss. I wish Richard had a dog like King by him during the worst of his suffering. King was like my shadow.
  11. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    ya I got a bang out of that refrigerator not as well

    an best of luck people

  12. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    Just a dog, really

    When I lost my first dog, this helped a bit -

    I have never supported the idea that pets are in some way equal to children, or should be showered with worldly goods, or left a house in a will, or worshiped and memorialized, or kept alive in pain long past their allotted time. She was just a dog. But I have to admit that the experience of losing Jenny was a severe hit.

    There is an island in a local lake.
    It is a place that I associate with Jenny and her companion Tiffany.
    It was a place where my wife and I would have a picnic; the dogs were always there with us.
    It was a place where few people passed by, but they always had a moment to spare to greet the dogs.
    It was a place where the dogs were content to lay and wait on our wishes.
    It was also a place that others enjoyed: Jenny always seemed to find an abandoned snack.
    Tiffany, always on the lookout for a rabbit or groundhog elsewhere, would lay in peace there.
    It was a place where I could put a canoe in the water; the dogs would chase along the bank until they reached the bridge, which they knew not to cross without us. They would return and wait with the missus until I paddled back, and then they would run to greet me.

    It was a simple thing really. The two dogs were always together and sometimes Tiffany seemed to feel as lost as I, when Jenny died. As each dog died she was cremated and I scattered the ashes in that special place.

    It is a place where I walk but do not linger long. The once-proud trees have fallen to ruin and it is much overgrown. The sort of place the dogs would have loved to explore as I walked by, not the sort of place for a picnic now. I have never launched a boat or had a picnic there since. it is good to know they are together. The dogs I have today will not rest there.

    Yesterday I learned another old friend had died; a buddy back in the UK.
  13. DianneB
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    DianneB Junior Member

    I was never blessed with (two-footed) children but fur babies have always been part of my life and strive to be half the person she thinks I am!


    She is a social butterfly and LOVES going to the marina for the weekend. She delights in 'doggy visiting' with the other sea-going dogs and I have to admit that more people know her name than know mine LOL!
  14. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

  15. bntii
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    bntii Senior Member

    Yeah, there is something about them..



    Gotta love em
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