Does anyone wants to join me in an interesting very heavy research project?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by schakel, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. schakel
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    schakel environmental project Msc

    Hello fellow engineers,

    A good acquitance of mine (Prof Dr. Msc Arief Dahoe) is in my thinktank and just came Back from the Belfast Jordanstown University.

    Here writes articles like in the attachment. kan iemand dit volgen?
    Ik niet.

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  2. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    NNNOOOOO...don't make me go back there....
  3. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Nobody in their right mind would like to go back there...
    1 person likes this.
  4. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Now seriously, if it is a research in the field of numerical analysis, I can suggest you to either:
    1) contact Leo Lazauskas, who has the relevant expertize and might be interested in collaborating with you:
    2) try with specialized forums like:
    This forum is mainly design and engineering - oriented. We have a lots of folks with a huge theoretical background in physics and engineering, but the numerical analysis is a very specialistic field and imo hard to find here.

  5. schakel
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    schakel environmental project Msc

    Good one Arief

    What a funny name: Jehardyman.
  6. schakel
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    schakel environmental project Msc

    Do you have the time to follow that link?

    Thanks Daquiri for your support but Arief is recovering from his retrieval.
    @ Arief==> Enjoy Christmas, Sinterklaas en New Year and start working after that is my advice. I saw you are simply to tired now to start working although I apreciate your drive.
    ( which, sometimes is too much)
  7. schakel
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    schakel environmental project Msc

    Is that funny

    You english are as weird as John Cleese or, even better, Mr Bean Alias Rowan Atkinson.
  8. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    "Do you have time to follow that link?" - errr.... what link?
  9. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    No point in contacting me.
    (1) The project is not interesting to me,
    (2) My former prof. left dozens of aero and hydro projects I want to finish.
  10. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member


    that guy is italian, and he is funny
  11. schakel
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    schakel environmental project Msc

    Is this guy Italian?
    Mr. Bean alias Rowan atkinson.

    Mr. Jehardyman are you in Nederland?
    Did you take contact with Gea?
    I saw Meike Wortel yesterday and she is going to check you Math together wih her brother and Father.
    Do you agree with that check team?

    Another check team is an mathematical engineer called Ben.
    He lives on Verwersdijk.
    Do you agree with that checkteam?
    Check, Recheck, double check, triple check, quadriple check, Chess, Checkmate..

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  12. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Jehardi, do you really know this guy?
    He looks nuts to me.
  13. schakel
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    schakel environmental project Msc

    Watch it, I have a quitte impressive Curriculum Vitea

    Curriculum Vitae will be provided by Mr. Dahoe but he has to visit me first after the retreival from Belfast. Take a vacation with Gea, Arief.

    I mean it.
    You must be very fit before you re-start your Career.

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  14. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    I'm clueless as to who he is <shrug>. FWIW Hardiman has been spelled several ways in the 300+ years my family has been in north America, including Hardyman, and John also appears almost every generation. A like-named direct ancestor was Lt Col John Hardyman (c1666-1711) a co-owner of the brigantine Virgin of Virginia of forty tons which was built in Virginia in 1698.

    My original comment was about dimensional reduction. Several decades ago I was involved in a study involving hydromechanical and geotechnical interaction with 25 or so independent factors. Reducing the possible 1.55x10^25 permutations to the simplest logical non-dimensionals still gave us 75 x 75 or so solution matrix. After a few years of emotional scaring and burning through 3 PhD's theories, we settled on Poincare mapping looking for strange attractors. Eventually we able to classify predictive response modes but never able to solve the problem directly because you can't know the starting condition (i.e the turbulence and micro-topography).

  15. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    And my initial comment (and the relative animation) was also about that kind of research. The days of theory of numerical analysis are well behind me now, and I wouldn't want them back. :p
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