Does anyone recognize these boats?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by ABoatGuy, Jul 12, 2017.

  1. ABoatGuy
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    ABoatGuy Member

    Today in Dana Pt. CA. (just north of Camp Pendleton marine base). Military or homeland security? Who makes them?


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  2. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    ‘‘ Today in Dana Pt. CA. (just north of Camp Pendleton marine base). Military or homeland security? Who makes them? ’’


    Could be CB90-class fast assault patrol boats of the Mexican Navy who uses them to protect ships and passengers from acts of terror and terrorism as Mexican and U.S. homeland security measures . . :confused:

    They just need to fill up in your port, I'll guess . . o_O


    ‘‘ MANZANILLO, Mexico (April 13, 2010) A Mexican navy patrol boat returns senior officers to the littoral combat ship USS Freedom (LCS 1) after a conference aboard the Mexican navy frigate ARM Bravo (F 201). Freedom is in Manzanillo for a theater security cooperation port visit. (U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Ed Early/Released) ’’

    The CB90-class fast assault craft is build by Dockstavarvet, a Swedish shipyard at the Gulf of Bothnia.


    ‘‘ Mexican Navy fast combat vessel on standby ’’

    Also could be that the U.S. Navy and or U.S. homeland security is testing some of those, or they're different boats altogether, or maybe CB90 in disguise just for testing reasons . . . :cool:

    Take care !!
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2017
  3. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    To not spread too much confusion about the above Manzanillo picture, sailors from the littoral combat ship USS Freedom (LCS 1), together with some of their counterparts from the Mexican Navy, helped a local orphanage there . . :cool:

    So, a wonderful cooperation for a good cause, I believe . . :)
  4. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    OK, put the post#2 CB90 joke aside please, it looks like you had some Navy SEAL's on visit there, I've identified the left boat and have the builder . . . :cool:

    Left boat = Combat Craft Medium Mark One (CCM Mk1)

    Builder = Oregon Iron Works, which is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Vigor since the 2014 merger of Oregon Iron Works and Vigor Industrial.

    Vigor ---> Marine Industry ---> Combatant Craft




    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
  5. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Last edited: Jul 13, 2017
  6. ABoatGuy
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    ABoatGuy Member

  7. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    The below quote comes from the link in the above quote, although I've enlarged the picture a bit . . . :cool:

    ‘‘ - - - - - - - - Mexican Navy visits Dana Point Harbor


    August 1, 2017

    DANA POINT — Nordhavn’s Justin Zumwalt caught some post-Fourth of July fireworks on the water in South Orange County as a pair of Mexican Navy stealth vessels visited Dana Point Harbor. These boats might have been moving around out in the open for all to see, but no one really knew why these vessels were visiting Dana Point Harbor in the first place.

    At least three agencies – O.C. Parks, Orange County Sheriff’s Department and U.S. Coast Guard – had no information available as to why these two vessels were in Dana Point, let alone their agency of origin. There were also threads online about these two vessels, with some surmising they were actually part of Mexico’s Navy. Even others pondered whether the Department of Homeland Security launched a pair of immigration enforcement vessels.

    The Log was eventually able to confirm both vessels were indeed part of the Mexico Navy fleet, as a few people on the internet guessed.

    The Mexican Navy often works with its U.S. counterparts north of the border, conducting operations in Dana Point and other Southern California harbors – although we remain unable to determine why the maritime branch of the Mexican military visited South Orange County’s only recreational harbor.

    - :D - - Looks very much they're referencing to the above post #2 of July 12, 2017. - - :D -

    The boat in the middle of the above article picture is the same one as in the post #1 picture on the left side, which is a Combat Craft Medium Mark One (CCM Mk1), see the above post #4 of July 13, 2017.

    The few publicly known CCM Mk1's were till recently only in service of the US Navy SEAL's, see the above post #4 about this, and I would be surprised if the Mexican Navy now also has some of them.

    The post #1 picture right side boat isn't identified so far, and it's the same one as the aft half seen boat on the left side in the above article picture. And as not being identified yet, this one could be a Mexican Navy boat, accompanied by a CCM Mk1 of the US Navy SEAL's, as I don't think the Mexican Navy patrols in US waters without the US Navy escorting them.

    Well, maybe Trump is selling some of these boats to the Mexican Navy as business remains business & business, which would mean some serious work for Oregon Iron Works / Vigor, see the above post #4. - ;)


    ‘‘ - Oregon Iron Works / Vigor - - Clackamas - Oregon - Facility
    - 9700 S.E. Lawnfield Road - - Clackamas - - Oregon 97015 U.S.A -


    ‘‘ - Oregon Iron Works / Vigor - - Vancouver - Washington - Facility
    3515 S.E. Columbia Way, Building 48 - - Vancouver - - Washington 98661 U.S.A. - ’’

    In my ± next post some drawings from expired/withdrawn patents, so everyone can build one or a few of the post #5 semi-submersible and semi-stealth boats at home, in the backyard as a hobby project . . . ;)
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
  8. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    OK, first as promised, here's the 1993 US patent with some drawings and descriptions and claims (14) of the boats shown in post #5 . . .

    US 5215025 A ---> PDF ---> PNG page: 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 -


    Here's an article about these boats This is however an aside from the post #1 boats, so sorry for the distraction . . . :oops:

    Next I'll post about the yet unidentified boat in post #1 ! - :cool:
  9. SailDesign
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    SailDesign Old Phart! Stay upwind..

  10. Rurudyne
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  11. Kailani
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    Kailani Senior Member

    Guess he didn't read to post #4
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