Does anyone library have dxf, iges files with a similar flared trimaran hull design?

Discussion in 'Software' started by goldhunter_2, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. goldhunter_2
    Joined: Apr 2010
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    goldhunter_2 Junior Member

    I am hoping someone else's CAD library has a similar basic flare hull design and would be willing to share it with me. Does anyone's library have dxf, iges files with a similar flared trimaran hull design? :confused: (see example pictures) Are you willing to share it?

    I am currently running the old Maxsurf software (yes I know its outdated, like I never could understand the Rhino programs. Unfortunately the Maxsurf I have doesn't have hardly anything in the library as a starting point like the newer software programs do.

    I am starting my design over form scratch again do to economics and materiel change and going a different route completely , if someone has a flared trimaran (vaka) hull design and willing to share it would be a big help to me :D

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  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I do not have anything about that and I doubt if anyone has something he wants to share.
    If you have a body lines plan of your boat in Autocad, I could create a model for Maxsurf.
  3. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Goldhunter 2 what version of maxsurf do you have. I have a 3 surface generic tri hull which you could adapt.
  4. goldhunter_2
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    goldhunter_2 Junior Member

    "Maxsurf 13 pro"
  5. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    here is the file

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  6. goldhunter_2
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    goldhunter_2 Junior Member

    ok thanks , now to try an remember how to import to library vs just opening
  7. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Goldhunter 2 just open it and save it by another name
  8. goldhunter_2
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    goldhunter_2 Junior Member

    I got it in the library, thanks bhnautika that should get me started again

  9. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Glad to see that I was wrong.
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