DIY surface drive... ?

Discussion in 'Surface Drives' started by suprathepeg, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. suprathepeg
    Joined: Jul 2015
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    suprathepeg Junior Member

    I'm building a small (13.3') speed boat and am thinking of building it with an inboard setup. It looks like the easiest thing to do would be to go direct drive straight out the back. Is it rational to set it up as a surface drive with rudders? This would be a totally custom setup so maybe I'm out to lunch on this one...
  2. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Search tom kane on this forum and have a look at his drive .
  3. Alumination
    Joined: Oct 2013
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    Alumination Junior Member

    I've tried to find information on the drive Tom Kane made but no luck.

    Might anyone have a link or the name of the thread where this is discussed?

    Thank you.
  4. crowsridge
    Joined: Apr 2010
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    crowsridge Senior Member

    Alumination, Tom Kane is a vast pool of knowledge. Look at the threads below yours and you will see his name responding to threads. Click on his name and pull up his info. Click on his thread starts and read away!

    Good luck with your project. I still plan on building one of his ideas when I get my to do list down to a respectable mountain size list.

  5. Alumination
    Joined: Oct 2013
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    Alumination Junior Member

    I've perused a few of his threads, none of which discuss the particulars of his drive.
    Might you give me a hint at the thread name where I'd find more info? :)
  6. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Send tom a pm .
  7. tom kane
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    tom kane Senior Member

    I have installed Ultrafast fibre so now I may be more able to keep up to date with what is happening on boatdesign .net. I have been lacking internet connection for a couple of weels.
  8. tom kane
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Diy surface drive...?,p,62,00.html
    There is is lot of info on internet if you google images Pivotal Drive.. Cam.A.Propulsion..Retractable shaft drive for boats. the best way is to design a retractable shaft drive for yourself it is very obvious by looking at a rear wheel drive auto.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2015

  9. xrudi
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    xrudi Rudi Scholz

    Merry Christmas Rudi

    Try this one

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