DIY stitch and glue motorized catamaran-kayak (W kayak)

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by icetreader, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. icetreader
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    icetreader Senior Member

  2. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    hull form of that Banana Split looks a bit stout for anything but motoring.

    I'm thinking if you are gonna go that wide and flat in the hulls and motor it, why not go for planning hulls? I bet two semi-Vee hulls upswept toward the stern could plan yet still be decent displacement at paddle speeds.

    Nice to see folks are trying this in plywood as alt to roto store bought.

    As part of a back burner amphib project I'm toying with adding wheels front and rear to make a combo scooter/cat.
  3. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    :( Looks like fun ... spending an hour with your hand behind your back
  4. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Not you you goose :D - the original post with the guy on the banana buggy
  5. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    Are you using a patent lawyer ?
    I think you need some advice.
  6. Manfred.pech
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    Manfred.pech Senior Member


    Do you want to develop something like this (not patented) ?

  7. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    Can we keep the undulating drive in a separate thread.
  8. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    With patent pending, do not go any further and keep your money in your pocket.
    If you think you have a chance in hell with this idea, have a look at and place on their web site and that will give you 100% feedback if any good or not, also cost nothing and huge exposure.
    Here are a couple of links for you to get an idea how kick starter works and how easy to raise money if design is any good without investors. a funny example how to raise money on kickstarter
  9. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    Welcome to Kickstarter’s Creator Handbook! If you’ve ever wanted to create something new with a community of enthusiastic people cheering you on, you’ve come to the right place.
    Since our launch in 2009, nearly 6 million people have pledged more than $1 billion (yes, one billion dollars!) to projects like yours. They’ve come from 218 countries and territories, and all seven continents. On average, more than $1 million is pledged to projects every day!
    This guide is based on everything we’ve learned from watching over 150,000 projects, each of them created by someone like you. We hope it’ll help you get started with shaping your own project, whether it’s to make a movie, an album, a game, a design, a play, a restaurant, or pretty much anything else that springs from the imagination.
    Kickstarter is more than just a funding tool. It’s a community of millions of people who love to share and support creative things. Every Kickstarter project is the story of something new coming to life. We’re so happy you’ve found your way here, and we’re thrilled to help you on your journey.
  10. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Hi Myark.

    Normally, I would be a bit put off by a commercial 'plug' like this, but this concept is of real interest to me, as a way of getting something built.

    This obviously fits in with your projects, the self propelled barge/trailer.

    I will follow this link up with interest. Thanks
  11. myark
    Joined: Oct 2012
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    myark Senior Member

    With kick starter I am not relying on direct finance for Myark amphibious folding trailer pontoon, especially exposure from boat design blog, that’s none at all, besides to say to someone, place “Myark” in Google search engines for some history.
    Kick starter is more suited for my smaller design. such as the marine multi-function titanium tool that I have already some to sell at attractable price, which are edm wire cut and CNC machined from plate.
    Shortly after this I will design and make lower cost models made with lost wax investment casting using not only titanium, but high tensile marine grade stainless steel “17-4ph” to basic chrome molybdenum steel for extra hard where I can heat treat to 60 hrc for the razor sharp cutting edge in the back throat of the alligator wrench, some has more features in various models.
    The next stage if works is to Kick Start the next multi-function tool idea , but a more improved version with PCT patent applied, this model is to be fool proof, not only these will be made from chrome molybdenum steel , but for the marine market that are made from 465 stainless steel and gr5 titanium including the chain attachments.
    The exposure world wide from kick starter may expand into demonstration marketing for licence to sell at boat, farmers, 4x4 vehicles, caravan and motor home trade shows, as well as the local shows that have the entertainments and product stands including home improvement shows and later, maybe ASEENONTV etc.
    That idea sells like hot cake with live demo.
    If this works then the $$$$$$$$$$$ from this will finance Myark boat inventions.
    I will always film while development is done from cad to end product, for example when I film through my first kick starter project and then sell for say $5 to sponsors a DVD for giving insight about patenting, rip-offs, and how to DIY ideas in China can be made.
    Kick starter may have other opportunities such as making a movie which is developing the Myark folding trailer pontoon with a redirecting power from the vehicle for propulsions that may be sold as a TV documentary.
    Feet back on the ground, I will first see how it goes with the titanium multi tools I have in stock, and go from there.
  12. frogger1225
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    frogger1225 Junior Member

  13. myark
    Joined: Oct 2012
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    myark Senior Member


    I would be surprised if you do repost with that idea
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