Dismantling of a damper plate Volvo MD2010

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by Runhammar, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. Runhammar
    Joined: Jul 2020
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    Runhammar Junior Member

    I have just managed to get the damper plate off of the flywheel on my penta md2010, but unfortunately it is in a bad state. The steel parts have cut into the rubber isolators and I need to take it apart and will pray that Volvo lets me buy only the rubber parts new.
    But how on earth is it done? I saw an image of where the part is sold unassembled, so it should be possible to take it apart and put it together with new rubber isolators. See images. The second one is from a seller's site and that is where I got the idea that the thing should be possible to take apart.

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  2. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Buy the whole kit, you'd be a fool not to replace everything.
    Can you buy it assembled from Volvo?
  3. C. Dog
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    What @BlueBell said is highly relevant, often replacing an assembly is advantageous, and you don't know what damage was incurred during assembly.

    However, it will cost little to disassemble, clean up and ascertain. Certainly from appearances you were justified in removing it. I have never been in this particular nook, but suggest a paper or electronic factory service manual would be a handy investment.

    Volvo might have wear limits on components which will require vernier calipers or a micrometer.
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  4. Runhammar
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    Runhammar Junior Member

    Yes, C. Dog, it will cost little to dissasemble and ascertain. Only I need to know how. Hence the question about experience.
    Buying a new one is a 1000 dollar option. I am researching the second hand market.
    True about wear limits, but I don't think this applies to this particular piece, like it would for pistons, cylinders etc. It's a pretty crude thing.
    I have the workshop service manual, but it says nothing about this.

  5. Runhammar
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    Runhammar Junior Member

    For anyone who might have the same problem: I managed to take the thing apart by lifting off the snap ring from the square inner hub. And rubber parts available as repair kit from Germany.
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