Develop inhouse stability software

Discussion in 'Software' started by Zeiad Abbas, Feb 15, 2024.

  1. Zeiad Abbas
    Joined: Oct 2017
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    Zeiad Abbas Junior Member

    Is there any material on how to develop your own stability software; any idea about the engine which the commercial software depend on. Any material on coding for naval architecture in general or it is all individual efforts that got succeeded out of a sudden?

    Appreciate any response. Thanks!
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The simplest (although not easy) is to create macros, for example in Visual Basic, for some of the CAD/CAM software on the market. All of them have APIs that tell how to interact with the objects created in their interface
    jehardiman likes this.
  3. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    If you understand the concepts, it is just tedious, but not difficult to write your own code...especially if it is unique to your needs. I've written stability, docking/undocking, and motions programs in FORTRAN, C++, BASIC, and MVB as well. As TANSL says, if you are using a specific graphics program/outputs you need to understand how they format their data. Some very capable programs pre-date GUI's and still are standards...looking at you GHS.
  4. Zeiad Abbas
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    Zeiad Abbas Junior Member

    TANSL and Jehardiman, many thanks for your response. Any material (books, tutorials, etc.) to start on this or you just use your acquired programming skills?
  5. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Basically, it is your understanding of the math needed to accomplish the task interfaced with you ability to work the programming language to accomplish your tasks. As an example, I once wrote a surface panel wave response model in 36 lines of BASIC code using recursive embedded DO loops. But it required a very specific panel model format....That is what you are paying for when you purchase a executable program. As a NA student, I know of no book or class that overall outlines how to do this...maybe ask in a computer science forum.

  6. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    A lot of off the shelf software already has the capability to do what you want. For example Excel Spreadsheets. A formula ( even something complex) can be embedded in a cell and the various data in other cells, or look up tables, and so on. Even MS Word can do that.. Back in the 80's and 90's I wrote programs in plain old simple BASIC. Before that I took Fortran because my job involved use of main frame computers that ran Fortran. Over the years I learned other programming languages because there simply wasn't off the shelf software that did what I wanted to do. C ++ (etc, how many pluses these days) seems to be the programming language de jour. I never learned it. As JEH said first you need to understand the math. Then you need to learn how to program. Nearly ever college (even high schools) teach it. But why do that when you can buy of the shelf software that does the programming for you.
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