Detroit GM turbo diesel

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by Mortan, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Mortan
    Joined: Jun 2012
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    Mortan Mort

    Dos any one have experience with twin Detroit GM turbo diesel in a Mainship 39 Express
  2. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    Are you talking about the 8.2 V8 or the 2-stroke 71 series?

    The 8.2 doesn't have the best reputation especially if not properly cared for,in fact they had a nickname..the "hate.2".
  3. guy plain
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    guy plain Junior Member

    theres the v 6-53 as well. i love those engines. we always called them green leakers lol
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    They also made a 6.5
  5. parkland
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    parkland Senior Member

    That was just GM though, not DD right?
  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Sorry, you are right.
  7. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    Welcome Mortan,

    I owned a Mainship MKI for 11 years, that's it in my avatar. There is a forum group of Mainship owners on Yahoo at

    with over 2000 members, several with the 39 Express where you might find information specific to the boat.

    Most of the 39 Expresses were supplied with gas engines. If you are more specific about the engines and what information you are looking for someone here may be able to help.

    Steve :cool:
  8. Carteret
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    Carteret Senior Member

    GM 6.5 and 6.2 engines were initially designed and built by Detroit Diesel Allison.

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  9. Carteret
    Joined: Jan 2004
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    Carteret Senior Member

    6.5 & 6.2 manual

    Here is a copy of a DOD service manual. I have had one of these in a 26' foot pleasure boat for 13 years now. I like them. They are good light duty diesels.

    Attached Files:

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