Designing 18’ Flats Boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Peter Buyck, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. Peter Buyck
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    Peter Buyck Junior Member

    I am working on my first ever design and build. I have worked for freeman Boatworks for a couple years, and wanted to get started with a flats boat. I’ve already designed the hull using Shapr3D, but would appreciate any advice. My first question is how to calculate the scantling for this boat? Also wondering how to calculate cost of materials? Thank you in advance!
  2. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Scantlings are just about copying the materials in similar size and boats. You can buy cheap plans all over the place.

    Honestly, less than $100 for a full set of plans is worth 100 pages of partially informed opinions on a project special to you.

    The cost of materials is just multiplying the shape YOU designed, by the materials the scantlings require, available in your area.
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  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @Peter Buyck, welcome to the forum.
    Copying the scantlings from your neighbor's boat and, since you are a prudent person, adding a little more material to get a really "sturdy and safe" boat, is going to lead you to design a much more expensive boat, insofar as to materials, than the price of hiring someone to calculate the optimal scantlings for your boat. Think about it a couple of times before deciding.
  4. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    You hit the nail on the head there rwatson!

    Peter B,

    Purchasing, and following, a proven design that meets your needs (SOR) holds the most value to those who least understand why.

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  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I've always believed that when someone asks for help designing his own boat, he does not want help buying an existing design, but he wants help completing "his design".
    Maybe I'm wrong, who knows?
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  6. Peter Buyck
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    Peter Buyck Junior Member

    I checked out the link, but all the designs were for stitch and glue. I am planning on making a mold and resin infusing as that is what my experience falls under. I would imagine the scantlings would be different. Are there any other websites that have scantlings of similar boats? For example how could I find the scantlings of my neighbors boat which was also suggested?
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @Peter Buyck, if you provide me with the details of your boat, I will calculate the scantlings for you.
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  8. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    As for price.

    List EVERYTHING to be associated with the vessel.
    Then find the Worst-Marine catalog. Use the retail price even if you qualify for wholesale. Because, there will be items that didn't make the list.
    rwatson likes this.
  9. Peter Buyck
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    Peter Buyck Junior Member

    Loa: 18’5”
    Hull depth:1’9”
    A small fishing boat to be powered by 115hp motor. mainly used in calm water but should be able to handle moderate chop. Just inshore fishing.
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Excuse me for telling you that infinite boats can be made with this data. Could you not specify a little more? Thank you.
  11. Peter Buyck
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    Peter Buyck Junior Member

    Basing the design off of boats like the maverick hpx-v 18 and Hewes redfisher 18.
    The design is based on boats such as a maverick hpx-v 18 and Hewes redfisher 18. I hope that helps. What other dimensions will help?
  12. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _


    Are you sure a well designed stitch and glue won't serve your purpose?
    They are brilliant, light, inexpensive, proven... but you're not interested, sorry.
  13. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Knowing what the maverik hpx-v18 is like doesn't interest me at all. What you would need to know is what that boat looks like that, it seems, you already have designed and for which you only need to know the scantlings.
  14. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    It helps if you explain these details first up

    Try this blog to start off, and see if its really what you want to do.
    Building from a Plug is only a good idea if you are going to do a number of hulls.
    Its a complete waster of time otherwise.

    How to build a fiberglass boat from a mold FGBuild.png

    How to build a fiberglass boat from a mold

    Attached Files:

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  15. Peter Buyck
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    Peter Buyck Junior Member

    What is your contact info I can send you the design?
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