Design propeller in rhino

Discussion in 'Props' started by Yasir, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. Yasir
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    Yasir Junior Member

    How to design a solid model propeller in rhino.?

    If you answer, I'm thankfully
  2. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    What information are you starting with?

    Does the model need to be an accurate representation of a specific propeller, or just look like a propeller?

    How much Rhino experience do you have? What have you modeled in Rhino?
  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Rhino allows to work with polysurfaces that, in certain cases, can be considered as solid. Exporting these "solids" to other CAD programs may have problems.
  4. Yasir
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    Mr. DCockey
    I am still a newbie rhinoceros because it has only been using it for the last year.
    Yes, it needs propeller specific model that is wageningen B-series.
    i use rhinoceros for 3d propeller model because i saw instruction on propcad that to make 3d model solid proppeller use rhinoceros.

  5. Yasir
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    Yasir Junior Member

    how to know that model is solid in rhinoceros.?
    indeed at the moment I am exporting to solidworks i have a problem.

  6. DCockey
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    A solid in Rhino is a closed polysurface without any naked edges. To check for naked edges use the ShowEdges command and check the Naked Edges option. Any naked edges will be displayed. Also ShowEdges will report in the command line display the total number of edges and the number of naked edges found.
  7. DCockey
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    Yasir, do you have access to PropCad. or did you just see some instructions on the PropCad website?

    Have you tried to create a propeller model in Rhino?
  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I do not know.
    I, in your place, in this case, would work directly with solidworks.
  9. Yasir
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    Yasir Junior Member

    I just saw some of the intructions on the propcad website, and I've tried it in rhino.
  10. DCockey
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    Do you have a link to those instructions?

    You could also ask questions about Rhino on the Rhino forum: McNeel Forum
  11. Yasir
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    Yasir Junior Member

  12. rwatson
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    This propellor drawing method shows how to quickly transfer design points to the propellor profile.

  13. Yasir
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    Yasir Junior Member

    But, The model is no 3d yet
    rwatson likes this.
  14. Yasir
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    I want to design propeller type b-series to analyze it in ansys.
    do you know what software can be used other than solidwork and rhino to create a solid propeller b-series model. ?

  15. Yasir
    Joined: Apr 2018
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    Yasir Junior Member

    do you know what software can be used other than solidwork and rhino to create a solid propeller b-series model. I want to analyze the propeller model in Ansys.
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