Design of expanded view of propeller

Discussion in 'Education' started by abhiram, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. abhiram
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    abhiram Junior Member

    I am a student.I need help about designing the expanded view of propeller in AutoCAD.I have the values of pitch by diameter ratio,its open water efficiency and minimum expanded area ratio by Keller's criterion.Can someone help me out with steps or guide me how to start with it?
    Waiting for a positive reply!
  2. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Get a copy of The Principles of Naval Architecture, 1967 edition or 1988 edition volume II. There is a discussion on propeller geometry and how to do a propeller drawing and blade layout in there.
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  3. abhiram
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    abhiram Junior Member

    Thanks for the quick reply.I have read the propeller part of the book but I am still not clear about how to get the developed view out of its expanded view.Yeah,I got its expanded view but i am stuck with the pitch diagram.How do I go with the calculations to get a developed and projected view from here?
  4. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Remember the pitch line is a helix, so the section in the developed view is not only curved to fit the radius, but foreshortend to fit the pitch. Look carefully at Figure 101d in the 67 edition, 25d in the 88 edition and read the corresponding text about the helix.

    Or is you question about how you generate a pitch distribution itself?
  5. abhiram
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    abhiram Junior Member

    Yeah.Actually first of all I am not getting the pitch distribution diagram itself.I only have a P/D ratio so it means I know only the value of mean pitch at 0.7R.I have no clue how do I get that varying pitch values.I guess I can proceed further only after this.
  6. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Is this a standard series like the Wageningen B? Or is it the output of a propeller design program?
  7. abhiram
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    abhiram Junior Member

    Its a standard series.I got the expanded view using Wageningen B four blade series calculations.
  8. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    For Wageningen go read Section 8, page 183 in Volume II of the 88 edition or Section 17, page 411 of the 67 edition. It has the whole B series development in there.

  9. abhiram
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    abhiram Junior Member

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