Design new Wake/Ski/Surf Boat?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Jobsend, Aug 13, 2020.

  1. Jobsend
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    Jobsend New Member

    Throughout this whole COVID mess I’ve spent way too much time looking at new boats. Living on a lake with a max length of 21-23ft I mainly am interested in new wakeboard boats. Also, as my sons get a little older I imagine they will like the tubing/wakeboarding/skiing that comes along with it as I do.

    What I’ve realized is: Damn! These boats are UGLY! They remind me of the cars from the first Fast and Furious movies. How many colors, lights, speakers, useless features, ridiculous designs can you fit on one $100k-$200k-$300k boat?

    Have you guys seen the Pavati boats? Holy hell! And just a few years ago you couldn’t buy one that wasn’t covered in tribal designs.

    I’ve realized that I want to research the potential of starting a bespoke wakeboard/surf boat company. Something where the design is elegant and timeless but the functionality is also top-notch.

    As an example, I love the design of the X Shore EELEX 8000 (not talking about the electric motor). It’s sleek, it’s simple and mix that with the wake functionality of the Super Air Nautique Paragon.

    I’ve talked with a few other individuals in the sales & manufacturing space that were interested in kicking around the idea.

    Would anyone have any interested in potentially partnering and kicking around the idea in their spare time? Or have any insight on resources/cost of design?
  2. Waterwitch
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  3. Jobsend
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  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If you want to sell understated elegance, the wakeboarding crowd is the wrong audience.
  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I have a design for these types of boats. Only the hull, with a platform on which you can place the superstructure that you like best. It is made of aluminum, the hull is ugly because it cannot be otherwise, given the performances that it is intended to achieve: a large wave in the stern, away from the propellers so that the surfer can "sail" as far as possible from the transom of the boat and safely.
  6. Jobsend
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    Jobsend New Member

    I think that could be a misassumption. Many of the wakeboard owners that I know aren’t the flashy type. Hell most of them are mid-40 suburban mom and dads. But again those are what is being made and I’m sure those companies did their research.
  7. Rumars
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    I don't see a real problem. What makes a good wave is known, and the above water shape is limited only by your imagination. The rest is a question of money, a few thousands to the NA for the design work, a few thousands to have the plugs milled, then rent some space and hire some guys to lay up the molds and start production.
    Earning the money back is a different kettle of fish, but if you are confident in your market you can start by collecting quotes from NA's and plug makers.
  8. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I think that my decades of experience in the boat business makes it an educated opinion, not a misassumption.
  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Your enormous experience in practically all activities related to the sea leaves us (some, including myself) always speechless, but that can never mean that all your opinions are correct. I think that is the case of your opinion about the people who can choose this type of boat.

  10. SamSam
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