design 18' sailing skiff with lug yawl rig

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by gray duck, Sep 8, 2019.

  1. gray duck
    Joined: Jul 2007
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    gray duck gray duck

    The goal is to make fast planning skiff like "Surprise" an Ian Proctor design National 18 (GRP) hull with lug yawl rig with carbon spars.
  2. gray duck
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    gray duck gray duck

  3. gray duck
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    gray duck gray duck

    Problem is the plans for this hull are not available. I have also not been able to get ahold of Uffa Fox Ace plans which has similar lines but not the same. So I had the idea of trying out some of the software available and have tried to come up with generally the same hull shape. But I have no training and I constantly repeat the quote I think I read here " computer design software allows people to make expensive mistakes fast and with confidence" LOL! :)
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I am just wondering if the 16' Melonseed skiff designed by Paul Fisher might be a useful starting point re a hull design?
    Scroll down in this link - it is the last one at the bottom.
    She has a spritsail, but it shouldn't be too difficult to convert her to a lugsail yawl (?)
    GP Dinghies over 13'

    Alternatively, what about Iain Oughtred's Caledonia Yawl?
    Scroll down to 'Double ended beach boats' in the index on the right.

    I guess that you have probably already had a look through the plans on Duckworks?
    Open Sailboats 14' up
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2019
  5. gray duck
    Joined: Jul 2007
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    gray duck gray duck

    I wanted to post some design drawings I have done but I can't figure it out. How do you post pictures on this site? thanks
  6. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    Welcome to the forum. Under the reply area, click "Upload a File" and select a jpeg from your computer to attach to the post.

  7. gray duck
    Joined: Jul 2007
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    gray duck gray duck

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