Delftship - Planing hull model with developable plates

Discussion in 'Software' started by BTboatie88, Dec 10, 2023.

  1. BTboatie88
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    BTboatie88 Junior Member

    Hi All,

    Just seeing if anyone has a Defltship model they can share?

    I am hoping to view and learn from a model that has developable plates so I can model my own hulls in the future.

    If anyone could upload something that works it would be a great learning resource.
  2. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    Have you tried the planing hull that is a choice under 'new project'?

  3. BTboatie88
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    BTboatie88 Junior Member

    Yes, I have tried that option.

    Only issue is that the surfaces there are not developable.

    I was hoping someone could post a model that can be flattened out.
  4. HJS
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  5. BTboatie88
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    BTboatie88 Junior Member

  6. HJS
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    No, all my boats I refer to are not my property, they belong to the clients.
    You have to learn how the program works yourself. There is no shortcut.
  7. BTboatie88
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    BTboatie88 Junior Member

    Thanks for the response JS,

    How much would it cost to buy a model from you?
  8. HJS
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    How much do you think you can pay to do an initial calculation of total weight, load capacity, interior space, power requirement, g-number..... and a rough line drawing.

    Boat design is much more than a push button game.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
  9. BTboatie88
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    BTboatie88 Junior Member

    I would only be after a basic planning hull model with developable surfaces so I can review/modify it.

    So keel sheets, chine sheets, side sheets and transom sheets.

    What would that cost?
  10. HJS
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    No serious designer would do such a job. That would be irresponsible.
  11. BTboatie88
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    BTboatie88 Junior Member

    It's only use is to be a learning model.

    Its not going to be used as an actual boat.

    I am curious to learn more about developable hulls and this would be the easiest way to see what kind of shapes are possible.

    Why would any "real designers" turn down a very basic paying job?
  12. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    First of all, you would not learn from a copying excercise. Second, there is a risk that the novice will produce a no-good or even dangerous something and pretend it came from a well-known origin.

    It takes time and devoted work to gain a positive professional reputation in any engineering field, including boat design and building. I suggest that you google "developable surface" for a start. In addition, there are a number of useful threads on the subject in this forum, including an article by Christopher Barry.

    That done, you may take a look at the shape of the series 62 hull model, which has been thoroughly tried and tested by a number of institutions. Its shape is truly developable.
    TANSL and HJS like this.

  13. HJS
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