Delftship Official Training ( 20-21 December)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Dr34m3r, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. Dr34m3r
    Joined: Mar 2012
    Posts: 161
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member


    Finally after collaboration with Delftship, i am arranging Delftship training for 2 days.
    Target audience is who have Naval Architectural knowledge or background and want to start learning ship design tool Delftship. Detail content as below

    If you want to sign up, 6 people max for now . more date will be arranged following the training feedback and interested people number.
    Training Date: 20-21 December
    Price: 399 USD
    sign up Delftship Training Sign Up

    or email Delftship Training Sign Up

    Training certificate will be provided. Temporary Delftship professional license will be provided during the training period.

    Flyer v2_1.jpg
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