DelftSHIP model to Solidworks

Discussion in 'Software' started by harishrajan96, Mar 28, 2021.

  1. harishrajan96
    Joined: Mar 2021
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    harishrajan96 Junior Member

    Hello Everyone,

    I am new to this forum, I am working on a personal project of mine where I want to use a boat hull and modify it to run some CFD simulations on it. i came across a commonly used hull called the 2.4mR hull (CAD | but here the CAD files is in the Delft ship software. I want to use the hull and do some modification in solid works. Unfortunately the free version of the delftship software only exports in .stl files which are not very useful. Is there any way I could directly use the offset table or the coordinate file from delftship in solidworks to create my CAD of the boat hull ?

    I am a aerospace engineer and I do not know much about boat design, I just read some basics about offset tables etc before jumping in here. Any help is appreciated
  2. baeckmo
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    But you should be able to import the stl-file into Solidworks and then save in other formats??
  3. tonipu
    Joined: Dec 2014
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    tonipu Senior Member

    i made a stl file for you, but is only a half of the boat

    you can open in solidworks

    Attached Files:

  4. harishrajan96
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    harishrajan96 Junior Member

    I tried that first but the stl is not that good in quality, the hull mesh filled with triangles (which is characteristic of stl files) but makes it hard to work with in order to modify the hull.
  5. tonipu
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    tonipu Senior Member

    you must find someone who has licensed delfship and he can export to iges
  6. harishrajan96
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    harishrajan96 Junior Member

    Ahh, i was thinking the same. But I don't know anyone who has the paid version
  7. johneck
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    johneck Senior Member

    here it is

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  8. harishrajan96
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    harishrajan96 Junior Member

    Thank you very much !
  9. harishrajan96
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    harishrajan96 Junior Member

    I actually tried to model the boat using the .dxf files given by delftship, I used hull section at each station(an example is shown in image 1). This is what I ended up with (file named as 1). It looks pretty good but there is a small problem which is shown in the second image, the back of the boat has a weird shape. I used a surface loft to join all the station profiles. The actual shape is shown in the third image. Is there any suggestion to do it better ? Is it possible to increase the number of stations given by delftship.

    Attached Files:

    • 1.PNG
      File size:
      339.5 KB
    • 2.PNG
      File size:
      39.1 KB
    • 3.PNG
      File size:
      38.9 KB
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  11. harishrajan96
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    harishrajan96 Junior Member

    That's worked great !
  12. Tedd McHenry
    Joined: Feb 2020
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    Tedd McHenry Junior Member

    My copy of SW is too old to test this, but I know that more recent versions of SW can convert STEP files into feature-based SW models. Perhaps it can do that with STL, as well?

  13. baeckmo
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    For some tasks I use SW 2016; you can open other file formats, like STP, STL, various text files etc and then save as Solidworks Part or Assembly as well as transforming to other formats.
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