Delft ship to fluid dynamics

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by pironiero, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. pironiero
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    pironiero Coping

    Hi guys, im messing around with delftship and was wondering what would be the better way to check hull shape in fluid dynamics, what software fits best for it?
    Rhino? MaxSurf? something else?
  2. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    What you mean 'check'?? Does software say 'this hull is good!' ;)
    Only designers' experience can tell that...
  3. pironiero
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    pironiero Coping

    Basically yes, i want to check if hull shape is okay
  4. HJS
    Joined: Nov 2008
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    HJS Member

    What do you mean by okay and good, in relation to what?
  5. pironiero
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    pironiero Coping

    will it plane well, what maximum load can it carry while maintaining its performance, hull shape and sturdyness

    i know that i cant speak in maritime engineering terms, sorry, be patient please

    got myself maxsurf, gonna mess around with it tomorrow, hope ill understand at least something
  6. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Oh no, Ma[surf! The name of this software truly deserves the title of 'dummy tool' in naval architecture...
  7. pironiero
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    pironiero Coping

    stop beahaving like an ***, PLEASE

    seeing how you behave almost implies that you are threatened that an idiot like me can design somewhat fine boat "robbing" yo *** from comissions if i'd ordered one from you...

    rest assured, im a poor russian refugee who cannot even dream of paying 400k eur minimum for a 40 ft boat ;)
  8. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    Just wonder how you got enough money to buy Maxsurf :D

  9. pironiero
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    pironiero Coping

    Im glad you are wealthy enough thar a leap from 10 to 400k has no difference for you whatsoever.

    Have ye heard anything about navalapp?
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