Delemma-Hull to deck joint

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by Roly, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member


    I tried to look up their products today, and I did not see this particular one listed? Do you think it has been superseded?....came with high recommendations.
  2. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    This has been the same number for as long as I can remember
    The name of the company is Adhesive Technology they are in Henderson , Auckland , New Zealand
    After looking up this address I see all the important people listed if you need to contact them . I deal direct with people on a personal level as I used to live just a couple of kms away from there Henderson factory and as they are west system agents and have been for ever have dealt with them just about all my working life

    HPR 25 was the adhesive we used on the hull deck joins of the racing 36 footer , the test I did myself the glue never let go at all ! the designer specified this so its what was used throughout ,not only for the deck join but the stick down of the premade floor and keel grid inside the hull .
    It may not be listed any where and could be manufactured specially so would be a case of contacting the company .
    The problems with pre mixed of the shelf products is the separation of the various components used and when you open a can there's a layer of liquid on top and the heavy solids have started to settle down into the bottom .
    All of the containers air freighted to use in South Korea that arrived were just days old and had been mixed with the same batch number and date on all the containers !:D
  3. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

  4. Roly
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    Roly Senior Member

    Hey Tunnels! (And don't ask!)

    Your right HPR25 is still available. Just spoke to Nick at ATL. Paste 4:1 (by weight)
    ATL NZ developed it.
  5. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    All I am saying is that I looked specifically at their website and did not see that specific product listed. I then sent an email directly to them asking that question and referencing my posting on this subject thread.

    I'm NOT questioning the product's capabilities, rather in fact I was impressed that it came so highly recommended.
  6. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    In the boating industry some of the best products that are used by professional people are just that !! they are made for professional people only ,not your "she'll be right mate " arm chair experts that read a book and become instant know it all's . NZ boat scene is small and intermit and people deal with people in bigger countries this is not the case , word of mouth spreads news ,good or bad much faster than the internet ever will . In a lot of cases the people we deal direct with are people we know most of our lives . The guys at adhesive is just such a company you need answers you get in the car and go visit and sit and chat one on one and come away having found out much more than you ever would have looking at the net or chatting on the phone , plus you will have made a new friend for life .
    During my time building big boats when we had a problem no one had ever seen we had every expert within 100kms arrive and see and shake there heads and mutter a lot and not one composite engineer from the university was able to look ,see and tell us exactly what the problem was and offer a instant remedy or even a suggestion to try .
    Just one person arrived from Adhesive technologies , came in looked at what we had and gave us a quick 10 second demo and repeated our problem right before our very eyes , It was so simple it was stupid !!
    This was after every other brains of the nation had vanished off the scene got in there cars and vanished never to be seen again .
    Was then I aske the simple question that on one ever anywhere even here on Boat design has ever been able to give an answer to , when you using vacuum to suck down any core into core bond how much vac is actually required ??? or simpler still how much is required to do the job? anyone ??? come on tell me !!!
  7. HakimKlunker
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    HakimKlunker Andreas der Juengere

    emmm: this thread is three years old and the question is somewhat off topic.

    For the general entertainment though: Mr. Corrie Lamprecht believes that regular home vacuum cleaners work well :confused:
  8. Roly
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    Roly Senior Member

    Not unusual for tunnels to wander a bit:D
    Can't stay in one place for long.;)

    Nothing off topic about HPR 25, for Op's (me) original delemma.
    'cept I like fibre with my milk in the morning.
  9. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    nothing interesting is ever off topic . so yes it could be possible to use the amount of pressure a good vac cleaner can produce but the cleaner is completely unsuitable and will die quickly if it doesn't get air to cool its self so any one want to take a guess at how little vac suck is actually needed ??
    did you get any reply concerning the HPR 25 adhesive
    I will be close to there shop in a couple of weeks time and will call to say hello as I have seen anyone there for a while !!. :p
  10. HakimKlunker
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    HakimKlunker Andreas der Juengere

    Sure. But time and place must fit: The new sexy secretary is better NOT discussed while having dinner with your wife (just one example)

    I take the vacuum question for serious and would say, that anything that presses the core everywhere to the bonding surface is sufficient.
  11. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Now come on be serious !! this is a serious subject . if 100% of vac is 14.7 psi then how many per cent is required to do the job properly . :eek::confused::mad:
  12. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    I'm going to say 3-5 psi
  13. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Yes I did get an answer from Grant

    Here is the spec sheet he sent me.

    Attached Files:

  14. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    so what do you think ??:p

  15. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    I think along with your recommendations (personal experiences) I'm highly disposed to using it.

    I did write him a note,
    Thanks for that Grant. I was looking around for adhesives that might be utilized to bond sandwich composite decks to steel hulls, and possible composite stringers and framing to the interior of a steel hull.

    Would you say this product of yours is superior to Plexas adhesives for such an application?
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