Dehler Dehlya 25 Gennaker Retrofit

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by fujszmano, May 6, 2023.

  1. fujszmano
    Joined: May 2023
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    fujszmano New Member

    So hello there!

    I recently bought myself a Dehlya 25, and since it is being a 1997 model, in quiet a good conditions, with almost everything I need i plan on keeping it for a time.

    Almost everything, except a Gennaker, Code Zero and a Bowsprit.

    Now, I would want to install a Trogear AS-25 aftermarket bowsprit. Since the idea of making a diy myself sounds like way too much work and I know basically nothing about boat building.

    Thats all good, however, I am concerned about the vertical load on the rig. It is a fractional rig. But i would want to install another halyard and run the gennaker with a masthead configuration.

    The boat does have a backstay and 3 shrouds on each side. It does have a spinnaker. it is about 36 qm in size, the gennaker would be about the same size.

    So i guess it would be okay to use a gennaker and it could be okay with the vertical load?

    Thanks for your help!
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Being a fractional rig, the function of the backstay would simply be for adjusting the bend in the mast.
    I presume that you have swept back cap shrouds, and a pair of lower shrouds.

    I also presume that the spinnaker halyard does not go to the masthead, rather, it goes to just above the forestay?
    If you fly a gennaker from the masthead, what is going to support it re the (large) sideways loading?
  3. fujszmano
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    fujszmano New Member

    Hello! yes it is pretty much how you described it. I have one big swept back shroud on each side, it goes up to about where the halyard for the spinnaker is. I have to lower shrouds, just beneath the shroud holder.

    How could i stabilize the masthead than. to be able to fly a gennaker from the masthead? Another shround down from the masthead? Or is that worth the effort at all?
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I would not even try to 'stabilize the masthead' - have you ever been hoisted up your mast?
    You might have been hoisted as far as the jib or spinnaker halyard blocks, but would you dare to go further?
    That is when you realise how skinny the mast is up there, and there is nothing supporting it, as it only has to cope with a slight (relatively) sideways loading from the top of the mainsail.
    Your best bet is to simply fly your gennaker using the spinnaker halyard - or is it too large to do this?

  5. fujszmano
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    fujszmano New Member

    I have not bought one yet, so i can go with that option. Thats what i will probably do than. Thank you for your help!
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