Deep Vee Hull Design

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by an2reir, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    I wondered about that.
  2. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Any thoughts on inverted V's Baeckmo?
  3. an2reir
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    an2reir fifty boat designs

    Hi greetings from the south of France thank you for your feedback

    I think the deep vee boat from Damen is great I did visit the boat in the Royal National Lifeboat Institute in Poole I do not know if when rotating on the spot there may be reduction of the steering I do not know if the real boat does have precisely the same overhang as the drawing perhaps they changed the geometry -but the boat is great

    In regards the design of large deep vee hulls I wonder what may be your opinion on the optimal positioning of the center of weight here is an illustration from the Orca user manual Center of weight.jpg instructions
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Centre of gravity seems a little high, considering there isn't the appearance a lot of boat above it, to speak of.
  5. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    I assume the illustration in Andrei's post is a schematic and not to scale. The propeller appears to be above the surface of the water.

    Position of Center of Gravity of a planing vessel depends on multiple factors including expected operational profile of the vessel, relative importance of maximum speed, importance of efficiency at slower speeds, importance of ride in waves, and layout and packaging constraints.
  6. Alexander Peter Bromley
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    Alexander Peter Bromley Student Naval Architect

    For your LCG location, some light reading.

    Attached Files:

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  7. tonipu
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    tonipu Senior Member

    what is the article that you take a picture, or is it a book?
  8. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    It is actually pretty hard to get the COG "wrong" in most planing boats, it certainly isn't super sensitive, and with adjustable drives and trim tabs, a lot of problems such as there are, disappear. Probably the biggest problem is COG too far rearward, making the boat sluggish to plane, and not holding plane when backed off.
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  9. an2reir
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    an2reir fifty boat designs

    Hi there greetings from the south of France ; thank you for your feedback I am glad there is response from you so wee can shed some light on some aspects of deep vee boat design. The illustration I posted above is from Orca's user's guide instructions the chapter where they discuss planing analysis. At this time my sport motorboat t design is being built and advances towards complete nearby Hong Kong. I am trying to do some speed predictions and planing simultaion with orca so I can give the builder company good information regarding the balancing of weights he needs to achieve for the boat to work well at speed. This one attached is not a deep vee. The Deep vee are the big yacht we are designing and building here in France :) mmexport1615569954047.jpg
  10. Alexander Peter Bromley
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    Alexander Peter Bromley Student Naval Architect

    This is through our student guide you get provided at Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology. I highly recommend doing courses through them!
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  11. tonipu
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    tonipu Senior Member

    is this paper free to read? Can you share?

  12. an2reir
    Joined: Sep 2001
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    an2reir fifty boat designs

    Thank you all for your kind feedback

    I did yesterday deliver my preliminary design of the deep vee fast boat and I do think the design is quite good.

    I did today receive this thrust prediction indicating a speed of 54 knots wich is not bad :) speed indication.jpg
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